20 [intruder]

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Jongho and San look around as they hear the passcode to Byul's unit being punched in, momentarily forgetting where they initially came from. The former pulls the latter's shirt to urge him to make a move, almost looking like he's about to throw him outside the window in the haste. He picks up the bag; both of them throw open both window panes so they can get out at the same time. As soon as their one foot is out on the windowsill, they halt when they hear an old man's voice shouting.

"Hey you! How many times do I have to tell you to leave Han Byul alone?"

The two agents look at each other, confusion taking over as the sound that signals the passcode being punched in stops after the man's voice. It sounds like whoever was trying to open the door has been stopped by the old man. It also sounds like the intruder is looking for Byul, and it doesn't seem like it's the first time.

They lower down their legs, drawn by the skirmish happening outside. They still can't point out who the intruder might be, but it seems unlikely that it's Maddox, or anyone with the Bifidensis. In a brief moment, they feel guilty for being suspicious of Byul.

"Mr. Dayniel, how many times do I have to tell you that it's none of your fucking business? I'm just here to meet my girlfriend."

San's face changes at this. Girlfriend? So Byul is currently in a relationship...

"Watch your language young man, or I'll call the police and you'll be sorry that you disturbed her. She's not your girlfriend and will never ever be; someone like her will not want to be with a wimpy man like you."

There is a laugh, one that sounds so ugly coming from the intruder. "Mr. Dayniel, you're lucky you're an old man or they will find your body somewhere in a ditch, I'm not kidding you."

As soon as he hears this, Jongho starts to look pissed but San stops him. They can't give away the fact that they're strangers who broke into Byul's house; no amount of explanation could justify that. They keep on listening, aware of the fact that there is only a thin barrier between them and the two outside.

Mr. Dayniel seems to have lost the ability to reply as the young man keeps pressing on, thumping his fist repeatedly against the door. "Now just tell me where she is right now, or else, she won't be so happy the next time she meets me."

"She's never happy when you're around-" he gets cut short as the man lands a slap on his cheek, making the old man drop to the floor and shout in pain.

Jongho balls his fist and his hands reach out to open the door. He can't stand by and hear the scuffle anymore; the man has crossed the boundary the moment his hand lands on the man's cheek.

"We can't," San firmly whispers to him, shaking his head. "I want to confront him too, but we can't expose ourselves."

Jongho pulls his hand away from San's, already putting down his hand again on the doorknob, not caring about what will happen next. He grips the doorknob, but stops as they hear footsteps and voices coming to the old man's aide.

"Hey you," a gruff voice comes into the frame. "Apologize to our landlord before I break your arm. And leave Byul alone."

"Hah, break it if you dare; you won't like it if I get all of you sued. You good-for-nothing, poor, deprived students living in a shithole. I'm just looking for Han Byul, you don't have to get involved."

"Thank the skies she rejected you when you were all over her, or else she'll be suffering. Get lost before I kick your ass and beat you up until they can't recognize you anymore."

"Byul!" a thump on the door as the asshole raps on it. "I know you're in there, you can't run away from me forever you know? What more do you want? I can give you all the money and you won't even have to work a day in your life. How dare you reject me; do you know who I am? I'm the only son of the biggest car manufacturer in the whole damn country, I'M YOON DAEWON YOU BITC-"

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