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I like this Jane.

You, in my arms, as we gaze at the stars.

They dance around in the sky, twinkling ever so softly.

Jane I've never seen you smile so much.

This morning you were so sad, and now YOURE beaming,

Now you look happy.

And I like to believe it's because of me.

I see you fiddling with the ribbons on your wrist and I couldn't push away the curiousty that was eating me inside.

And I finally asked you the question that has been on my mind for centuries.

Why do you wear those ribbons?

You just merely shrug, your smile fading, and you said it was a metaphor.

A metaphor? A metaphor for what? I wanted to ask you all these questions, but you stopped talking and I didn't want to push you.

And then you spoke again, and you explained to me why you wore those ribbons all that time.

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