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A few months later...

You and Luke and now the new 'it' couple.

I remember when nobody even knew your name.

Now you're invited to parties and double dates. I know Luke's popular but I didn't think you were going to be too.

I remember when you were Jane, the quiet girl. The girl that has possesion of my heart.

But now you're Jane, girlfriend of Luke Brown, the quarterback.

Now you're Jane, the girl who skips our plans that we made.

We don't listen to music anymore, and if we do it's rushed.

You broke the tradition, Jane.

Does that mean anything to you?

Not anymore.

The only thing I have to grasp onto is the fact that you still wear those colorful ribbons.

But everything else has changed.

Like your long hair.

You cut it to your shoulders, and it's not tangled and messy anymore. It's combed and straightened.

Like your features.

You cake on layers of makeup and smear eyeliner onto your eyes, and a nose ring pierced into your nose.

Like your wardrobe.

You don't wear big sweaters anymore. You wear mini skirts, crop tops, anything revealing.

Like your music taste

I don't see you listening to the bands you used to like.

You listen to that pop shit that you hear the same song a million times a day.

You changed.

And everyone loves it.

Except me.

'That Jane is hot'

'Lukes girlfriend, she's pretty'

'Jane is gorgeous'

But the thing is they didn't notice you were beautiful before the revealing clothes and the makeup.

Maybe it was because instead of looking at your face

I was looking at your soul.

And I pray that your soul still hasn't changed Jane.

Because that's where the real beauty is.

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