Twelfth day

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A/n It has come to my attention that I never published the last chapter so I guess here it goes even though christmass was like three months ago...

Tim looked at the present in his bed. He was home  alone as usual his parents at a work trip. He was planing to watch a TV show it's no like he couldn't follow Batman and Robin, like usual, tonight since his new camera was broken. Or more like Batman finally caught him and broke his camera. He was glad that it was the first night he took the digital camera with him and therefore had all of his previous photos.

It is an understatement to say that he was surprised when he got to his room and noticed a present with a red bow on his bed waiting for him. It wasnt his birthday last time he checked so... Why??? He approached it slowly poking it with a pencil. It didn't explode... That's a start. He unravelled the rapper and opened the box.

He was shocked. Inside were a camera and a note.

Sorry about the camera, blue eyes. B can get feisty. Don't tell him about it or he'll kill me and I value my head in it's place. You need to be more careful with following us around. For the record I am not encouraging you to continue with this gift but I won't be sad if I see you with the corner of my eye. Take care, blue eyes, hope you like the camera.
-Robin :)

Tim smiled talking the camera and a coat walking towards the window TV show long forgotten.

Twelve days of Christmas (Jaytim)Where stories live. Discover now