Fifth day

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Jason wanted to buy Tim a special Christmas this year. But he couldn't think of anything .

 So he did the next most logical thing he tried to call Dick a gift expert but then he remembered that he was in an undercover mission and didn't have a self-phone.

Steph was his next choice but she couldn't think of anything Cass couldn't as well. Bruce was out of Gotham in a super secret super undercover mission.

 Alfred was on vacation , he didn't wont to bother him and he didn't now any of Tim's friends well enough to call any them.

His last choice was Damian. He was desperate alright? Don't judge.

''What do you want,Todd" Damian asks as Jason enters his room

"I have no idea what to buy for Tim this Christmas and I thought you could help"

"He is your boyfriend how should I know? And why me?"

"Everyone else is ether unavailable or can't think of anything. You're my last chance, please?" Jason practically begged.

"Fine. I'll help you just let me think on it"

After about ten minutes Damian spoke again.

"Drake loves peppermint coffee. He can't stop talking about it on Christmas time. His father used to buy him some every Christmas before he died and also if you remember after the first time you went on patrol you stopped to buy some. Buy  him some he will love it." Damian said slowly.

"Thank you I will" Jason thanked Damian sincerely. He was astonished that the demon spawn was actually helpful.

Tim loved the present and thanked Jason over and over while Jason mentally thanked Damian .

Twelve days of Christmas (Jaytim)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora