Eighth day

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Tim couldn't cook to save his life so it was a bit of a surprise when Jason woke up to the smell of gingerbread cookies. 

At first he thought that Alfred was over but that was impossible since the butler was on vacation.

 The only other person that could cook in the family was Damian but he would never do anything this nice.

Even if the most logical thing would be that Tim was cooking Jason couldn't believe it. Not even when he opened the door to the living room/kitchen and saw Tim cooking with his own eyes.

All Jason could think right now was that Tim looked hot in an apron.

"Oh.. Shit you're awake" Tim exclaimed when he noticed Jason standing by the door.

"You weren't supposed to wake up. I wanted to wake you up and have breakfast in bed" Tim added.

" It's fine love, what's you cooking?" Jason asked 

"Gingerbread cookies. You can help decorate them."

"Sure . I'd love to"

 Tim almost burning the kitchen TWICE and lots of badly decorated cookies later Tim and Jason sat and marveled their work before they dug into it.

It was an interesting morning to say the least.

A/N I finally caught up with all the days I didn't write. Hope you enjoyed!


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