Quick Note

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Hi! I'm sorry for not updating this book but, a new idea just popped up in my head! Not really sure of what the book title and book cover might be... The idea that popped up was from my childhood so... Yeah.

The idea was a TMNT thingy. Not sure how to plan it, not sure how to start it, not sure how to end it.

And again, ANOTHER idea came to mind! I'm not telling what it would be because I'm keepin' it a secret!

Some reasons that kept me busy:
School, of course, a very big problem. Instead of lessons, we had to practice for the eliminations and the Field Demo that is coming up. In fact, we got in! We passed during the eliminations! I'm proud and scared at the same time since there is plenty of work to do.

Housework. It's that time where my parents laze off for a while and let me do some work. As time passes, we switch. I laze off, they work.

Watching over. My neighbors are my cousins and they cannot do all the work by themselves. For example, Aivan can't watch over his little brothers, Paul and Angelo because he has homework to do. When his dad is there, he never goofs around or makes a loud noise that gets him mad. Like knocking over a bowl. He gets his long stick and gives him a beating. Not kinda fond of dads like him. The same goes for my cousin living on the other side, Aahron. His friend  Ren lied to his father that he stole his money. Two weeks ago, I went to read a book in the room next to my bedroom. I read some books for five whole minutes when I heard cries and a male voice outside. I knew who was who. His dad gave him slaps and Aahron began to cry while telling the truth between sobs. Then the noise began to fade.

When he returned to the store, which was where Aivan lived he asked for Red Horse. I supposed he was trying to be drunk and all but, things went fine that day.

With that out of the way, I may continue the next reason that stopped me.

There was that one time when my Grammarly stopped working and I had to reinstall it since my fingers make SO many mistakes that I had to read a WHOLE chapter to find wrong spellings and wrong grammar.

Plus, it's almost vacation and I might have plenty of time to do this! I just hope I can.

Being a 5th grader may be hard. But I made it! My 'Mentos' will be coming up next month if you know what I mean~ Like gosh, getting ideas for the next chapter will be hard. I might do the TMNT book last and do the secret one after this book has ended. I really need a nickname for you guys... All that came in my head were 'Gumdrop' and 'Gummy Bear'. You guys wouldn't mind, right? I made my decision on what to call you.

Bye Fluffies!

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