Chapter 10

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December 30, 2016,

This vicious cycle between Jin and me continued sadly into 2016.

The more we fought, the more he broke me down, the more I lost sight of myself and nearly lost everything dear to me.

On a good day, I would say things like "hang in there Tae" "You're eventually getting through to him" "Look how much he loves you."

On a bad guy, I just smoked and did my best to block out everything while telling myself.

" Are you crazy, you need to leave him" "this is pointless, you can't change him" "he's never going to change."

But I stayed looking for those good days to come.

When it rained, it poured but once the rain cleared up there usually a rainbow somewhere.

I stupidly was determined to help him.

There had to be hope for him. Deep in my heart, I knew it!

 Deep in my heart, I knew it!

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