Chapter Seven

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*December 4th 2014*

Taehyung smiled holding a small cake with candles in his hands as Seokjin closed his eyes before blowing out the candles. Taehyung scooped some of the icing up with his finger and placed it to Seokjin's lips. Without hesitation he licked the icing off his lover's fingers making Taehyung shiver. Seokjin placed the cake on the nightstand and pulled Taehyung into a kiss. It never mattered how many times they've done it prior he could never get enough of this man named Seokjin.

After some time, they broke from the kiss both panting for air to fill their desperate lungs. Taehyung who was straddling Seokjin's lap wrapped his arms around his neck and began playing with his hair.

"Babe, I was thinking we should have a birthday party together."

Seokjin tilted his head. "I don't know...I don't have a lot of friends as you do."

Taehyung hugged him before pecking his lips. "That doesn't matter. This is our excuse to throw a party with lots of food and drinks and afterward..." Taehyung began stroking Seokjin's cock. "we can go back to a hotel and have some drunken fun all night long."

Seokjin licked his lips as he grew hard in his lover's hand. He bit the bottom of Taehyung's lips. "I prefer to skip everything else and go straight to the hotel."

Taehyung laughed pressing their foreheads together. "Stop it! We'll have fun."

"I don't know...I never had a birthday party before."

Taehyung's heart began aching when he saw the sullen look on Seokjin's face. He cupped his cheeks making their eyes meet. Taehyung kissed his nose. "I'll make sure we experience a lot of firsts together. You were my first everything so let me be some of your firsts too."

Seokjin wrapped his arms around him. "You are my first, baby. You're the first one I ever loved. I always mean it when I saw you're the only one I have and the only one I rely on."

"It's the same for me. You're my only and I don't want anyone else but you."

Seokjin smiled and kissed his lips. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too," Taehyung whispered as Seokjin rolled him on his back. He applied lube on them both and slid inside of Taehyung. He gripped Seokjin's shoulders tightly and their lips met. He wrapped his legs around Seokjin's slim waist and cried out as he pushed harder into him.

The bed underneath them creaked but the only sounds they heard were each other's heartbeats and labored breathing. Taehyung thought how amazing this would feel if they didn't need to get a motel anymore. He imagined waking up and going to bed next to Seokjin every day and every night.

He stroked Seokjin's face feeling the imprint of his face, he knew Seokjin's facial structure like the back of his hand. Even with his eyes closed, he could clearly envision Seokjin's face. He knew all his scents, his mood by the tone of his voices. It came to the point that even when they weren't together, he could sometimes still taste Seokjin, whether it was his cigarettes or when they had sex.

It scared him that he felt this infused with Seokjin. If there was a case where they weren't together anymore would he be able to cope? Would he be able to move on? He felt if something like that happened it would be Seokjin who would end it because there was nothing Seokjin could do that would make him leave.

His insecurity? All he needed was more love and reassurance. His short temper? He needed to learn to talk more about his feelings before he got to that point. The scary lifestyle he lived? With enough guidance, he could leave that world behind and find happiness. It didn't matter what flaws Seokjin had, he was going to stick with him forever because in his eyes there was no other love beyond Seokjin. Seokjin was his first and was going to be his last.

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