Chapter 2: Laid Eyes on Her

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Third person pov

"Come on Muzan-sama, we have been waiting here for hours. Why don't we go somewhere romantic for a while then come back here?" Said Chris as she rested her hands on the demon lord's broad chest and batted her eyelashes at him.

Muzan pushed her away in disgust. Two weeks ago, he finally saw one of Mitsuki's annoying sister, Chris. He found it as a huge opportunity and kidnapped her. He made her into his by giving her his blood, just like Mitsuki. And just two days in his prison, she has already fallen in love with him. Well, he did almost rape her one night, thought that she's his princess because of her smell was quite similar to Mitsuki's.

And that, her sister became lovey-dovey towards Muzan. Flirting with him, make him feel as he only needs her. Tried going out dates with him, wearing slutty clothes for him, bedding with him...

However, Muzan wasn't the type who loves to play woman. One had already captured his heart but he never admits it. He kept on finding her, thinking that he was crazy for her because she's a great advantage for him. However, Chris always knew that Muzan was only lying or deceiving himself. She felt heartbroken at first but she never gave up.

She taught that she ran away with him would make him forget about Mitsuki but Muzan had other plans in mind. She was his bait to lure his princess back into his arms.

Chris was furious that Muzan intended to use her like this so that he could be with another woman other than herself, even worse, the woman is her own sister! However, as much as she loves him, she knows better to never disappoints or angered the demon lord, he could have done the same thing just like Mitsuki whenever she was displeased. She doesn't want to go through that torture again.

She waited and waited and suddenly, a beautiful white-hair girl came out from the airport, wearing a coat and black tight pants. Her plum red eyes were always mesmerizing but her long white-hair which was used to be just above her waist, was cut short to her shoulders.

She looked around, hands in her pockets and she looked at the sky. The moon light shone brightly and it made her looked like a goddess. Her face shone like the moon and her eyes glowed beautifully red under the moon's light....

Chris couldn't help but feel jealous at the moment. She looked at her lover standing beside her.

Muzan was awestruck by her beauty. 3 years ago she was cute and beautiful, but now...

She's gorgeous and much sexier to him.

Those plump red lips..., how much he missed them. He was keen to savour her lips with his. Tasting them, and exploring her mouth with his tongue...

Suddenly a girl cry on the sidewalk. Chris felt as she was a nuisance and intended to walk over and kill her to prove her love for Muzan, but before she walked, Mitsuki already beat her to it by walking over to the little girl and try to help her. She did a little magic trick that made the girl finally stop crying.

"She's too kind for you, Muzan-sama." Chris scowled.

Muzan couldn't keep his eyes off her. For 3 miserable years of tracking down his princess, she's finally here, looking more beautiful than ever. He knows what he must do, kidnapped her and forced her to never leave his side again!
Chris was jealous of her sister, but she still proceed Muzan's plan. She can't believe Mitsuki fell for his trap, she needs to get rid of her!

Of course she wasn't thinking of killing her. Mitsuki was a million times more powerful and deadlier than her.

That's why she intended to plan to make Mitsuki escaped from Muzan and make her to never come back again. She has to put all this planing and intention behind the back of her mind to avoid Muzan wrath if he ever finds out.

She's a dead girl.

After the whole little girl and her mother situation, Muzan leaned into Chris ear and whispered.

"Go now, and remember the plan."

She nodded as she scowled and walked over to greet her sister that she wished to be gone.
Muzan was listening to their conversation in Starbucks.

He changed his appearance into a little boy, sitting behind Mitsuki and listening to every word.

Knowing that she came back to save her sister and kick that kidnapper's ass...

He smiled. She'll never change, her kindness, putting others first before herself.

If it was 3 years ago, Muzan would probably felt disgusted by her actions. However, now he felt warm and fuzzy inside.

'What the heck is wrong with me?!?!'

Feeling stressed, he rested his head on his palm.

'No, I won't admit it! I hate Her! I'm using her just like 3 years ago.'

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