Chapter 7 Here We Are London

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Hey buddies! Today is Sunday back to school again... :( Wah. I'm sorry for the filler I know wah wah boring. It was just fill in tiny parts to make sense so hopefully this chapter will be more better. You guys are lucky this week! I have 2 half days wednesday and thursday and I'm off Friday! Be expected to see chapter(s) there! :D (Not for Wednesday got dance) Anyways, hopefully you like this chapter! Vote,comment, share this book for each chap. Show the love. I will make dedication if you make me a new cover!! <3 Here's Chapter 7! -HarrehsGravy94 (Twitta)

Monica's P.O.V.

I suddenly awaken from my iHome alarm that shakes you to get you up. It's 1:20 am...It's too early. I pressed the snooze 3 times before getting up. I knew I was going to do that so I made it early. I was the wake up call for the rest of the girls and Liam who would wake up the boys. I feel so trusted when they told me that. I called Liam. He took awhile until he picked up.

"Hey Li, you got to get up and get your for the limo!" I said groggily.

"Okay Love.... It's so early. I'll get the boys up now." he said slowly and his morning voice. Oooo his voice is so...yum. Haha.

"Okay...I'm counting on you and I will be getting the girls up. Good luck to you!"

"I will keep your word and do it. See you in the limo with the rest of the boys. Bye Love"

"Byeeee" I said. Next I got to make the skype call to all the girls. They need to know they all have to be ready for me to bring to them to Alexis' house.(Not including Alexis as to bring.) I turned my computer on and I pressed call group. After 2 tries at calls they all finally woke up from the annoying ringtone Skype makes us hear.

"Hi girlies! Time to get up and get ready and have your bags by your door. I will be picking you all up expect Alexis to her house. The limo will be there around 2ish so get your asses moving girls!!" I yelled in the mic of my computer. They were too tired to answer back with a remark they all just said their okays and got ready for limo the boys set up for us.

I finished getting ready in seconds. I just put on my Batman onesie on. I did all the hygiene crap and I put my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my last minute things I needed, kissed my Mom, Dad, and told my bro to tell Jerry I said ADIOS HERMANO! I went into my Mom's car because we needed more space. They are bringing my car overseas after we make it there! Liam got the license already for it. He's such a good boyfriend. I put all my stuff in the car and I was off to all the girls houses.


All of us girls were wearing onesies which I think is adorable. Lauren is wearing a La La from teletubbies onesie. Alexis is wearing a Barney onesie. Lastly, Sierra was wearing a fluffy panda bear onesie. Now, all of us waited until the limo arrived.


Liam's P.O.V.

It took awhile to wake up all the boys. But, I finally did it. All of us guys all agreed we were going to wear our "famous" onesies to be comfortable for the airplane ride. I am wearing my blue one. Niall is wearing the american flag onesie. Zayn is wearing his green one. Louis is wearing his gray plaid one. And lastly, Harry was wearing his white one. We all grabbed our things and headed out toward the limo that was sitting outside of our hotel.  We all got in and headed off to Alexis' house. I still wonder what's Louis' problem... Like he didn't ask to be girlfriend and boyfriend. Will he?

We finally got Alexis' home. We actually made it almost on time. The girls walked out of the house. All of our mouths dropped. They were wearing onesies too. But, like they were characters. This was so perfect. Monica is wearing Batman. I love batman. This is awesome.

"Guys... we need to take a picture of this!" I said quietly while they were walking over. They all jumped on us and gave us a huge hug and a kiss on cheek. While Alexis just hugged him. I feel bad for her. Anyways... Picture time. I asked the limo man to take the photo of us. We got in one huge line.

"3..2..1...LONDON!" we all screamed. I put it on twitter.

"We are all wearing onesies! Off to go back home! Bye xx" I pressed send.

We all put the luggage from Monica's car to the limo. We all got in the limo and we headed off to O'Hare Airport.


We all got through security fast and relaxed by our empty gate we get to sit at before going on the run way to  the private jet. None of us because we didn't have time. But, now we have time to lose so we all walked to McDonald's and ate there for breakfast. We all finished up with having some time to spare. We sat down and relaxed for 30 minutes or so. Soon... we will be boarding.


Niall's P.O.V.

My lil girl is wearing the cutest onesie ever. I think I would love to kiss a panda. Wow, that sounds weird. Anyways... We boarded the plane and put our carry ons on the top and were sitting in our seats. This plane was small so it was two seats on each side of the plane. We all sat by our girlfriends and Lou and Lex sat together. Zayn just sat with Paul. He was sleeping anyway. Paul had to carry him on the airplane haha.

"Hello, One Direction and friends. We are very welcomed to be able to fly you today.There will be lunch on this flight. We will be hoping to land 2pm Chicago time, 8pm London time. Hopefully, you will enjoy this flight. Thank you."

"YOU ARE WELCOMEE!" Louis screamed. Of course perfect way to wake up everyone who is tired. Not very surprised Zayn slept through that haha. Off to a 8 hour flight!


Narrator's P.O.V.

2 hours in flight

Everyone expect Lou and Paul were asleep. The couples were all holding hands and cuddling each other most of the flight. Lou went to Paul to talk to him. Paul asked for some advice about things. Paul did the right thing telling Lou what to do. Hopefully... Lou will do it.


Alexis' P.O.V.

I wake up to see Louis shaking me a little bit trying to wake me up.  I fluttered my eyes a little bit.

"Morning Love... Time to get up we have landed!" he said in a excited voice. I blinked a couple times and pretended to sleep again. He got closer seeing if I was awake. I jolted up "BOO!!!" He screamed and threw himself toward the other side of the plan falling over Paul. Everyone started laughing. Score 1 for Alexis WOOT WOOT. We grabbed all of our stuff and got off the plane.

We headed straight to the vans because some how the fans knew exactly everything they do.  Everyone was either giving us dirty looks or being supportive and saying compliements to us. All of the girls ignored the rude comments. They don't hurt us. All the boys grabbed on to us and made a big line. No one could break us.

We got in the van finally and headed off to our flats to go to sleep and tomorrow. Who knows what's the plan. But, I can't wait.

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