Chapter 6 London? Maybe?

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  • Dedicado a Alexis

Hey guys!! I hope you liked the last chapter! It was kind of to even out the field with how romantic Harry was! Is Lou and Lex gonna date? And What is the plan that's happening? I felt my creativeness come out when I made last chapter! This chapter is kind of a filler. So sorry for the boringness. But, I hope you enjoy this chapter, PLEASE vote, comment, share. I want others to notice my book. I want to know you like it comment, vote each chap! Here's chapter 6! -HarrehsGravy94

Alexis P.O.V.

Today has been a busy day. All of us girls have been packing EVERYTHING for the trip to live with ONE DIRECTION IN LONDON. I still can't get my mind off of that. The whole day I have been thinking of Louis. Me and Louis are the only ones not together. I'm not even sure if he likes me. I get worried thinking about it so I gotta think of other things like unicorns and rainbows or something. What am I thinking before I even met Lou, all I thought about was him. The boys told us that it is fine if our luggage is over the amount it should because we are bringing a lot to London. I wanted to talk to the girls and see how everythings going and see if they know anything about Louis and I. I turned on my computer and clicked on Skype. I selected call group.

They all answered. They were all packing their stuff.

"Hey girls I have been thinking a lot when I've been packing... Did any of your guys talk about Louis... As me and him?" I asked.

"No...I don't think so. You getting worried what's happening between you two?" Monica asked.

"Yeah... he hasn't asked me out yet... I feel like he doesn't like me or something. He just sees me as a friend." I said while tearing up a little bit.

"Everything will be okay Alexis. I will talk with Harry and see if anything is up Lou's butt. Okay? Don't worry, just keep packing and by 2 days from now we will be on a plane to London." Lauren said. She reassured me like the rest of the girls. I love them so much. We stayed on Skype for awhile, talking and packing. We were soooo excited to spend the whole summer with them. There is going to be some big adventures for us girls coming our way.


Louis P.O.V.

Harry came into my hotel room.

"Hey Hazza! What have you been doing today? I've been packing up all my stuff to bring back home."

"Hey Boo Bear! Just been packing too. I was just wondering...How's things going with you and Lex?"

"I think it's going fine mate. I fancy her and everything...But there's something holding me back...."


Harry's P.O.V.

I understand what how Louis felt. I comforted him and told him to be strong and stick through it. Hopefully he will. I took out my phone and texted Lauren.

To: Laur<3

Hey Love! Lou says everything is fine. Tell Lex to not worry. I'll see you next morning for London. xx

I got a text back from her.

From: Laur<3

Thanks hot stuff! ;) None of the girls can wait to go to London. We are all ready to start our new adventure with you guys. See you around xx

I smirked seeing her being on Cloud 9 with the rest of the girls. The rest of the day was spent packing and relaxing for the days to come with my girlfriend and my lads and their girls.


Next Day

Sierra's P.O.V.

Todays the last day for packing and saying our good byes to everyone. I still can't believe I am going to London with my girlies and my boyfriend's friends known as ONE DIRECTION! AHHHH. Anyways.... I was reminsing all the fun I had with my family. I'm going to miss my two brothers Nate and Brendan and my sister Mykah. I was texting Niall the whole day. He is as excited as I am hahaha.

My plan was going to work. Zayn you're in for a treat.


Time right now: 8:30 pm

Narrator P.O.V.

Everyone spent their last day packing and saying their goodbyes. All of them are going to miss it... But, they all are going to have the BEST time of their life when spending time with the best people in the world. Zayn has been packing and going with don't worry about that.

Limo picking up girls and boys coming in T-minus 6 hours.

Private First Class airplane taking off in T-minus 8 hours and 30 minutes.

Sleep is what they need for this adventure coming. But, no one got sleep. They were too excited.

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