Chapter 1: Love, Regrets and Kidnapped

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Third person pov

Muzan was seriously glad that she's finally out of his life. He's happy that everything's finally back to normal.

He huffed. He turned and stared blankly at the empty space beside him. Usually right now, Mitsuki has probably snuggled herself into Muzan's chest, hands wrapping around him like a teddy bear and smiled.

Her beautiful long silky hair would wrapped around his finger and he would love to twirled or gently caressed her hair or her cheek. Kissing her forehead and whispered some sweet words softly in her ear that would make her smile in her sleep. The beautiful smile on her face would always makes his heart melt....

However, everything left as she slammed the door and left him in his bed. He felt pride at first, but sorrow overwhelmed him as he realised what he has done. He tried to ignore this feelings by moving on. Going through his normal lifestyle, creating demons and plotting ways to annihilate the hashiras and the Kamado Siblings, finding Nezuko's hideout.

But in the end, as days and months and years past, he can't get her out of his mind.

His ego get the best of him again. Now he has left the only girl that ever made him felt....

He can't describe it.

Her presence, her kindness, her sass, her cute anger and frustration, her sarcasm, her kisses, her hugs, her beauty, her smile...

It's all gone.

However, Muzan never gives up, even when it comes to his princess. He has all the time he needs to find her.

Love, was something Muzan always thought as a threat to his throne. Having feelings of caring someone...

He promised himself that he won't admit it, he just wants his princess back by his side.

And after 3 years, he finally founds a small opportunity to lead her to him.
3 years later.
Mitsuki pov

"I'm going to save Chris in Japan. You will be in charge of the house whilst I'm away." I said and ended the call.

I huffed and looked outside of the window. I gritted my teeth in rage.

'I'm coming Chris, whoever kidnapped you in Japan, I'm gonna make that person pay in hell.'

"Miss, ten minutes till landing. Please fasten your seatbelts and switch off your phone." Said the stewardess

"Sure." I said as I put my phone on aeroplane mode and fasten my seatbelt.

I leaned my head back on the seat and sighed.

How can l be so careless?! Letting Chris go to Japan to....

Suddenly, a thought came into my mind.

It better not be him! Hope I'll never see him again! I'll try my best to avoid that BASTARD! If he really has anything to do with this, I'll dragged him out to the sun and Barbecue Him!!!

I looked out at the starry pitch black sky.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Asked Sebastian. He's sitting across me, reading a book.

"I have hope." I bluntly replied.

"I always do."
The plane landed and I got out to wait for Sebastian at the exit. He's taking his time to thank the pilots and handle the luggages.

The full moon was shining brightly across the night sky. The sudden sound of a kid crying made me flinched, it's ruining the moment.

A little girl with short black-hair standing, crying out loud.

No one seems to care as they all just walked pass, even gave her stares like she's some kind of a disgusting creature lying on the street and it's not their business to care.

Pathetic. Humans only cares for themself. I wondered why I even spare them the pass few years.

I went over and kneeled onto the floor.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" I asked.

Unfortunately, she just kept on crying there. Her hands covering her face. What a pain! Stop crying!

I took a deep breath.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" I smiled.

She Finally stops and looked at me.

"I want Mommy." She sniffed.

"I understand, I'll promise to help you find your mother. Here! My gift for the beautiful princess." I did a little magic trick and a rose suddenly appeared from my hand. I gave the red rose to the kid and she accepts it and smiled.


I turned and saw a woman around her 30s came running towards us. She was in a casual white dress with tight jeans and her long dark hair matches her brown eyes.

"Mommy!" Cried the little girl.

She ran towards her mother and hugged her tightly.

"Don't you ever run off on your own like that!!! Mommy and daddy were so worried for you!!! Thank you for founding my daughter young lady. Thank you."

She kept bowing her head to me that I actually felt awkward. I scratched the back of my neck and smiled.

"It's nothing, really. You don't have to do that."

After a while of conversation, they left.

"Bye, bye pretty lady." Said the little girl as she waved her hand, which was holding the rose.

I waved back.


I turned and there I saw...


"I can't tell you who is my kidnapper was."

"You serious?!" I scowled.

After our reunion, we went to the airport's Starbucks and ordered a coffee.

Apparently, her kidnapper let her go to visit me but she couldn't say anything about him to me. Well, at least I know it's a guy.

"You have to stay here Miki, that's what he wants."

"Who's He? Why do you have to be so secrective about him?"

"Shh! He's listening!"

I was bewildered and I looked around the cafe. It was crowded and it's hard to spot anything.


"Stop looking!!! He'll kill me!!!"

"Enough! You have been saying that since we got here! I came here to rescue you and here you are, don't want to be rescue and even want me to stay!!! I came here to kill that asshole and you're protecting him!!!" I shouted softly at her. I don't want to create a scene.

"I can't..."

"You can! Just tell me where he is and everything will be okay. I won't let him lay a finger on you."


"Just tell me-"

"I'm so sorry."

"Wait What?"

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my leg and I looked down. I have been shot with a tranquillizer gun and guess who shot me?!


"Why?! You?!"

I got up but my vision was getting blurry and before I knew it, I collapsed. Someone caught me. Everything was blurry... before my eyes were entirely closed, l saw familiar plum red eyes staring down at me.

"My princess, it's been a while. You look beautiful as always."

It was the last thing I heard before my world turns black.

Kimetsu No Yaiba: It Will Be Harder To Love You AgainWhere stories live. Discover now