Interesting developments

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Jace's POV 3 week later
"God damnit! Every fucking time we get a lead something fucks it!" I looked up from the image as Erik raged "What happened?" He sighed "The fuckers caught onto us!" I hobbled over as Lera walked back in "let me see" he handed me the picture as I stared at it "....fuck" I dropped the photo showing Lion and Ela staring at the drone ela smiling while flipping it off. I turned to Erik "Call Harry, I've got a P.I.D. On one of their outposts and he needs to know about this.... development." He nodded and rolled away as I sat back and organized the photos I had to show Harry. Lera sat on my lap as I sighed, she handed me a cup of coffee. I took it and said "thank you, hey any chance you can decipher these fuckin images? They don't make any sense to me." She looked at them carefully inspecting every aspect as I watched admiring her before her eyes focused on something "What? What do you see?" She held it up and pointed to a point "oh my god, you beautiful woman!" I smiled as she put down the picture, she turned as Harry walked in "what do you have to show me?" I grabbed the stack of organized photos "Here, look through these." I took the photo of Lion and Ela I glared at it as I handed it to Harry "they know." His eyes widened as the words exited my mouth. He turned to Erik "when were these taken?" Erik thought it over "4 hours ago give or take" I looked at Harry as he started pacing "we may have to push the assault forward a week" I looked at Lera "think I'll be good to go in a week?" She looked at me "I think we can fix you up" I looked at Harry as he spoke "we have to get Lion no matter what happens on these mission, he has to die" I stood up "Sir, give me a squad of Green Berets Sledge, Mute, Finka and Maxim. We'll get him." He looked unsure before relenting as he turned I asked "Sir, did we get anything worth anything from Nøkk?" He sighed "No, she in her cell if you want to try. Our interrogators are running out of ideas" I nodded as Erik spoke "Do we know where Buck and Frosts allegiance lies?" Harry shook his head "They've been with the Jtf since this whole fiasco started" I looked over "I could use Sebastien(Buck) on the raid, can you give him a call while I go talk with Nøkk" Erik nodded "will do" I turned to Lera "Do me a favor look through these pictures and see if you can spot anything, okay?" She nodded "We better have a movie night before we go on the raid." I nodded "your wish madam" as I walked out with Harry. I glanced over at him "Sir? What's it like?" He looked confused before replying "Oh, the organization" I nodded as he continued "its painful, especially watching this rift get so many soldiers I helped guide killed" I looked down "I wish I could've saved them" he put a hand on my shoulder "I know, I do too but sometimes we have to accept things are out of our control. They'd be proud of what you've done with your soldiers. You're one of our younger operators and you've risen to the mantle and led them all in a good direction" I sighed "I've lost too many" Harry sighed "They played their part in the game, they knew that they could die but they fully committed to helping you fight the war. Now we have to play our parts, we have to finish what they died for and make it worth the sacrifice" I thought over his words "Where do we draw the line sir?" He looked at me "that line falls wherever your morals fall. At the end of the day we play by our morals and our rules and they sacrifice them" I replied "what if we can't win when we play by our rules?" He paused "sometimes we have to make that sacrifice so others don't have to, someone's got to make the enemy scared of the dark" I thought it over "How far would you go to protect your operators?" He looked at me "As far as I needed, you all made your promises to me and the people. I'll hold up my promises to you" I thought over his viewpoints "Thank you sir, one last question well more of a favor than anything" he stopped and looked directly at me "what is it?" I paused "when this operation goes down, if I don't make it, make sure Lera doesn't kill herself because I'm dead" he stared at me mouth agape "you have my word as one man to another" I nodded "thank you" he smiled "don't worry about it, I just hope you make it back" we shortly arrived at the cells as I walked in "So Nøkk, what do they have over you? Is it your mother?" She involuntarily flinched "So it is, where is she?" Nøkk looked at me "why do you care so much?" I leaned forward "Because it's my job to protect people, so do you know?" She shook her head no "I have a couple of compounds they could be holding her but I don't know which one she's at" "give me the list I'll handle it" she looked at me "I never wanted to leave Rainbow, you understand that right?" I nodded "I'll get you out after we've secured your mother" she told me the list as I exited "I need 4 teams to raid these compounds immediately search and retrieval of this woman" the woman nodded and ran towards Harry's office I moved towards my little office "Erik redirect 4 UAVs to these coordinates" he looked confused but ordered the redirects I moved behind Lera "Hey beautiful, found anything?" She nodded "they've got a sniper put here, we can avoid getting hit by whoever it is" I smiled "Great job, wanna do me a favor and get the rest of the team?" She replied "I don't know your chair is really comfortable" I chuckled "I'll make your favorite and we'll have a movie night tomorrow" she was up in a flash "I'll be right back" as she walked away my eyes drifted down and I decided to mess around and wolf whistle she flipped me off "Maybe later hun, kinda busy right now" she sighed as the door closed. Erik spoke up "What's got you in such a good mood?" I glanced over "we're widening our lead tonight" he looked at me "We? Is that why you sent Lera to get the rest?" I nodded "I figure I'll put a couple operators on each team so they can get used to working with other units outside of Rainbow." He whistled "You'd be one annoying ass enemy, ever play chess?" I stood up "Yea, a couple times I'm not the best but I understand the basics" he nodded "we'll play sometime alright?" I nodded "let me know when those drones reach the coordinates" he nodded "Already planned on it" I was about to reply when I saw everyone coming in I grinned "everyone welcome to my oracles eye" they all gasped as I gestured to the room of people working at computers and my main table where Erik was shifting through some photos, kilo right next to him. "Now you may wonder why I asked Lera to bring you here, have no fear I'll explain everything in a minute. Now! This room has been monitoring Lion and Cos based for the last week, we've got 4 locations that possibly hold Nøkks mother. I will split you into 4 teams you will accompany the units provided and raid your assigned compound this is not a search and destroy mission watch your fire and stay frosty." They all nodded as I started splitting them "Sledge, Mozzie and Hibana you're attacking compound alpha study these blueprints form a plan to attack it I'll approve or disprove and then you'll move out with your task force Hibana it's your hunt." Hibana nodded as I said the next team "Nomad, Kapkan and Zofia you're on compound Charlie same deal Zofia you've got the lead, clear?" They nodded as I moved on "Glaz, Thatcher and Mute you've got compound Bravo, thatcher you're team lead it's layout is similar to the Iranian embassy." He smiled as I looked over "Jager, Finka and Ana will take compound delta, Finka you've got lead. Everyone clear on the teams?" They nodded "clear out team leaders come back when you have an attack strategy" they all nodded Lera looked at Jager and stood up and turned to me putting on the baby seal eyes "we can stay in here and plan, right?" I sighed "Yes yes just stop with the baby seal eyes" I walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead "I've got to talk to Harry and find out what units I have at my disposal I'll be back in 10 minutes and I'll help you plan" she nodded with a smile as I headed to Harry's office. I knocked on the door and entered "Sir, please tell me you've got good news for me" he smiled "1 delta force team, 1 German KSK squad and 2 SAS squads" I chuckled "thank Christ, when I get the attack plans I'll have them scanned and sent to you so you can send them to the teams, it's a short notice limited practice raid" he nodded "I'll let them know" I saluted before exiting. On my way back I thought about it "fuck... I hope this goes off without a hitch" as I made it back to the office I tapped Lera "Alright, come on. Up, outta my chair" she looked at me "give me my seat woman" she stood up with a sigh as I sat down only to have her come crashing down on me I chuckled "You're a brat you know?" She nodded "Sometimes I have to get payback for you making me move" I nodded as I snaked my arms around her waist "alright, show me what you've got so far" she motioned for Marius to go on he stepped up "It's a 3 story building we figure if the mothers there she'll be in the basement because it's the hardest to escape from, so we're planning a breach on the third floor since the enemy operators would also think we'll put our resources into a breach to basement" I nodded before asking "why don't you breach through the ceiling? It offers the most surprise and compromises the most positions" Lera thought it over "We don't have anything that can cut through that" I smiled "What do you mean? We have Jordan's Exothermic charges" Jager looked up "But Jordan's dead" I nodded "yes, yes he is. Blueprints remember every gadget had a blueprint" he nodded "I remember" I nodded as Lera made the appropriate changes to the attack plan I sat back "since you're my favorite team, don't tell the others though, who do you want to work with? Delta, KSK or SAS?" Marius got antsy and Ana leaned forward as I spoke "KSK it is, you okay with that, beauty? Doc?" Lera nodded with a blush as Marius started dancing and Ana sighed "Yeah, that's good" I chuckled "finalize your plans I'll have them scanned and sent to KSK." They nodded as Ana stood up to scan. I looked over their attack plan "be careful alright?" Lera nodded "I'll be back before you know it" I pinched her sides "don't jinx it" she jumped before I heard Ana "it's scanned and should be going to Harry's computer. How're you holding up?" I nodded "good, good, you've still got about 8 hours before you leave for the raid go to one of the sim rooms scan in the blueprint and practice the raid until it's fluid" they stood up as I did after a bit I saw Lera in front of me "can I get a good luck kiss?" I nodded as I gave her one "there now you're all lucked up"

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