The hunt begins

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Jace pov
     I expected Meghan(Valkyrie) to be more careful, she hasn't taken the tracker off the Humvee they stole. Kicking the kickstand up I fed the bike a healthy amount of fuel and making her pop a wheelie as I look at the gps "1 hour" all of a sudden my phone rang causing me to barely stay upright as I pulled to a stop and took my helmet off and answered not looking at the name "Erik? Hello?" I heard Lera's voice sounding like a whisper "hey Jace..." I could almost hear her saying "it's your fault I lost Alex" as my voice lost all emotion "oh hey Lera, I thought Erik was calling" her voice wavered slightly and I heard none of the Russian Confidence I'd come to grow accustomed to hearing "I.. uh... I was wondering where you are?" I replied with a question "Didn't Erik tell you?" She sighed "No, he was asleep when I got here" I looked at the sunset as I replied "I'm out and about, why?" She replied worry beginning to seep into her voice "is that why your guns are missing from the lockers?" I sighed "maybe, maybe not, it doesn't really matter" she didn't hide the worry anymore "why doesn't it matter?!" I stared watching a Merlin falcon landing in its nest "I've got a 35/65 split on surviving this mission, which is 35 better than I needed to do it" I could hear the tears "why didn't you wait for me?!" I smiled as I felt the tears welling "Lera, Alex would kill me if I brought you on this suicide mission, I got him killed the least I can do is protect you" she yelled "you didn't get him killed!" I touched my cheek looking at the wet finger as I pulled my hand away "I did Lera just like you said, if I wasn't there Lion never would've turned Rouge so I'm going to fix it" I heard sniffling before replied in a whisper "how long are you gone?" I thought it over "4 week at the longest 1 week at the shortest, I'm hunting down a pair of turncoats. When I get my hands on them it's interrogation until I get a set of intel points I can use before I meet up with you all" she sighed "just stay safe, I just lost Alex. I can't lose you too" I chuckled "I'm replaceable, I'm just like this rifle. When I have done my job, I'm discarded just as easily." I heard the tears coming up again as she replied "no...." I didn't wait for her to finish "Lera, I've got to go. I'm wasting too much time and I can't risk Meghan finding the Trackers position, bye" as I hung up slung on my bike helmet and shoved the throttle down tearing off the sand bank and back onto the main road speeding up to try to make up time glancing at the GPS "they moved further off road, unlucky" I started listening to music as my made the hour trip to the turn off point where I'd have to go on foot and sneak towards their camp. About 30 minutes later one of my favorite songs came on

I was thinking about all those i failed to save when my phone rang again "For fucks sake!" As I pulled off the road again "hello?" I heard Harry this time "Jace, where are you? Erik told me you went to do something" I sighed "I'm hunting down Maestro and Valkyrie, I'm about half an hour from where I proceed on foot" he was quiet for a bit "how long do you think it'll take?" I replied "1 week the shortest, 4 weeks the longest" he replied "the best I can have you absent is 5 days we're moving to the new base in the morning" I sighed "I'll try but I can't make any promises boss, have Erik and the rest keep an eye on the unknown operators I don't want to let anyone slip by in the confusion" he chuckled "they haven't stopped monitoring everything since you left, Kilo misses you she's been all over Erik" I chuckled "I'm going to go so I can make some progress" he hung up as I started my music again and got on the road. By the time I arrived at where I'd have to get off the road it was dusk. I stared at the forest, covered in fog, it had an enchanting beauty to it

 I stared at the forest, covered in fog, it had an enchanting beauty to it

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