Chapter 5:Moving Out

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"Jamimah, you must be tired. You should head upstairs", my mother in- law Ammi said to me.
" Haba Bilki, which tired. Leave her to work", my mom replied her.

I just looked at my mom and pouted.

In case you're wondering what we're doing, when Salman's dad learnt that we were staying on our own in a different house, he detested the idea and commanded that we came back to the main house.
"They're to young to stay alone" he said.
So we're currently relocating. We had to pack all our stuff apart from the furniture. Two rooms,Salman's and an empty one, were merged as one to form a room and parlour for us upstairs.

"Salman, come and take your wife upstairs and come back and continue packing the rest of the boxes" Ammi commanded Salman.

I looked at him and smirked while he looked at his mom and from the look on his face, I knew he was about to throw a tantrum.

"Ammi I'm tired too" he said while stomping his feet on the ground.

Ammi removed her Gucci flats and aimed at Salman's head.

"Will you take her upstairs or do you want that face you so much cherish to be disfigured ", Ammi warned.

I stifled my laughter as Salman grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.

" You've stolen all the love Ammi has for me" Salman said to me as we entered our new room.

"What can I say, I'm awesome like that " I said to him as I flipped my ponytail. I had removed my scarf immediately we entered the room.

Salman just smiled at me and shook his head.

"I'd better head downstairs before Ammi comes after me with that shoe" Salman said as he chuckled.

"You'd better" I said back to him.

After he left the room, I entered the shower and had a long bath. I could hear Salman come in and out of the room as he was bringing in our suitcases. I waited until I heard no movement in the room before I came out. What I didn't expect to see was a shirtless Salman lying on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" I squealed.

"Uhhhh I was done with the boxes and last time I checked this is also my room" he replied but with sass that made him sound like Nadra, his younger sister.

"Well at least try to keep your shirt on" I shot at him.

"I'll try even though around you , it's hard" he shot back with a wink at me.

I rolled my eyes before I headed to the boxes. I picked out my cosmetics and a floral bubu before I headed to the closet.

"Where are you going" Salman asked.

"To the closet where there are no hawk like eyes watching my every move" I said to him.

"Ok baby " he said to me with a boyish like grin.

As I applied the lotion, I thought of how childish Salman was. Always asking me questions and following me about like a stray dog. But I won't lie, I did love the attention.

When I came out of the closet, I saw Salman dancing to Naira Marley's Tesumole. He was doing the steps that was done in the video.

I had to admit he was doing it flawlessly, but my spirit of competitiveness wouldn't let me admit that.

"You're doing it all wrong " I said to him.

He scoffed and said " As if you could do it any better".

"Oh really" he said raising an eyebrow.

He restarted the song and gave me a daring look.

"Shebi omo jesu ni wo
Gbese ko tesumole "

Naira Marley sang as I started the dance . Salman joined me too and after we were done with the choreographed part, we just started dancing Zanku. He was very good but I was sure I was better😏.

" So you guys are having a Zanku show down without inviting me abi? " I heard Nadra's voice say.

I stopped dancing and looked towards her. She immediately came to hug me as she was just coming back from islamiyya. Even though she was pampered by every one in the house, she was still a darling. But that didn't stop her from doing shagwaba sometimes ( someone should please help me translate shagwaba😂) .

"Hey baby" I cooed at her. Even though she was eleven. I still love treating her like a baby which she hates.

"Stoooopppp" she whined.

You see, this is the shagwaba I'm talking about.

"Ok na daina ( I've stopped)" I said while smiling at her.

"I bought haribo for you on my way back from islamiyya " she said to me.

"Awnnnnnn thank you " I said to her while squealing.

She knows my love for haribo.

" Are you pretending I don't exist or are you pretending I don't exist " Salman said to her.

"Why are you so dramatic " Nadra said to her brother while sighing into her hands.

Who's the dramatic one here?

"You rubbed of on me" Salman said to Nadra while sticking out his tongue at her.

"You're seriously not ashamed to say that" Nadra said while shooting him an incredulous look.

"Please children calm down" I said to them both.

"I'm not a child" ,they both said at the same time.

"Warreva, let's go down for dinner" I shooed them both out of the room.

When we got down, we saw everyone seated in the sitting room. When Ammi saw us , she stood up .

"They're here, let's go eat "

The dinner was fun as we were all conversing with each other.

After dinner, we all moved to the sitting room. We convinced the parents into letting us watch Studio Universal instead of the news. Baba went up to bed saying he was tired but we knew he was going to watch the news in his room.

Immediately I sat down when I came back from getting my haribo, I heard a loud annoying voice which I knew all too well,

" I'm here fam".

All the air was knocked out of me as I knew things were about to go downhill.

Hello everyone ( let's out a nervous sigh )😊

I know I've been away for a very long time

I had to deal with school and everything a teenager goes through 😣

I finally managed to drop this chapter which I hope you like even though it's a little short with just over a thousand words.

I try my hardest though🤧

Back to COJ, any guesses on who the visitor is?

And isn't Salman cute?

Don't forget to
And share

Ciao lovelies😘

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