Chapter 13: A green snake under very green grass.

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Jamimah's POV

I saw red as I was walking to the movie room. I stopped by the door to calm myself if not I didn't know what I would do if I saw Farida at the moment.

I opened the door and I saw them singing along to Frozen 2. For God's sake aren't they tired of this movie, they watch it at every chance they get.

"Sumy!", I called. The dummy didn't hear me as she was too busy singing horribly at the top of her voice. She actually had a very nice voice, Mariah Carey level, but she made it bad in our presence so we wouldn't feel opressed.

"Summayah!!!", I yelled and this time she turned looking like she just came out of a trance.

"How far mamana?", She asked me. Sigh, this girl, the definition of a hood hijabi.

"Dan zo (Please come)", I motioned to her with my hands.

"Lafiya dai koh (is everything okay?)".

Ladies and gentlemen, guess who asked, the snake herself, Farida.

It was now that everything dawned on me. Why was she acting so suspicious? What's wrong in me calling my cousin over? Why did she think there was a problem?

I mustered all the patience in me and turned to look at her. Damn I've never seen anything so ugly.

" Ammi said I should call her", I replied her faking a smile. How much it hurt.

It took everything in me to close the door and leave without pouncing on her.

I stood outside the movie room waiting for Summayah to come out. When she did, I pulled her to our room and locked the door behind us.

Once I turned, I locked eyes with Ya Rabi who was on the bed making a call. I guess she's in on this conversation then.

Immediately she ended the call she asked me, "Hajiya ya da ƙulle mu a ɗaki( Hajiya why did you lock us in)".

Hehe. She was still fazed from the last time I locked them in a room.

At this point, I could feel my throat and eyes burning.

"This is very important guys, I don't even know how to start".

"Just say it anyway okay? Come and sit here", Ya Rabi said as she dropped her legs from the bed and made space for me.

I swallowed and narrated the story to them at a go because I didn't want any interruption.

Summayah swore, that's the only thing I can say. She went on beast mode.

"Haba, no wonder she always grated on my nerves. All this while I could only sense negative vibes from that idiot. Imagine the audacity!!!", She yelled.

Ya Rabi was in what seemed like shock. I feel her.

I continued. "What I want to understand is, what wrong have I ever done to her to deserve all this. Every single thing I do for myself sai na mata. My mother treats her like a daughter. What else does she want from me?"

"Well apparently she wants your husband too", Ya Rabi said.

" Dama ai, mutane akwai baqin hali (people have terrible characters). No matter how good you treat them sai sun saka maka da tsiya (they'll reward you with evil)", Sumayyah said looking calmer than before.

"What do we do now?, Ya Rabi asked.

"Wallahi I dont even know, right now, I don't even want to see her face."

"Shouldn't we tell Hameeda?" Summayah asked looking at me.

"Yeah, but not now. We need to get them both home. They're leaving today right?", Ya Rabi asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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