Chapter 3:The wedding (Last Part)

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"Hey", Salman broke the silence.

We are currently on the way to the dinner and my insides are doing things I don't understand.

"Hi", I replied after realizing I took too long to respond.

"Are you okay?", Salman asked inching forward to get a better view of my face.

Well I guess not only my insides were doing things, my face too.

"I'm fine", I said mustering up a smile.

He nodded and leaned back on the chair.

We remained in silence through out the drive but somehow, it was comfortable. Don't ask me, I don't know how too.

As we were driving into the event center, I heard a sigh beside me.

"I know you're nervous and most importantly scared about what the future holds, but for your own sake, just let loose and enjoy your wedding. It's a once in a lifetime thing, hopefully, and I wouldn't want you to not have memories to look back to. So please, have fun. Okay?", He asked with a cheeky grin at the end.

Well that's new. Seeing as he spoke without a single British slang I knew he was being serious. And as much as I hate to admit it, I needed that speech.

"Fine, but only if you promise to have fun and not look like Manchester United just lost the Champions league finals throughout the night", I countered.

"How do you know I support Manchester United", he asked looking amused.

Really? Is that all he heard?

"Fam have you seen your Instagram stories? That's all you post, Man U this Man U that. And just to let you know, Chelsea is winning that trophy this season so don't even get your hopes up", I gave him the most menacing smirk I could muster.

"Chelsea fan? I see. I'm sorry for myself, cause I will be the one tending to you when you're in painful tears after you guys crash out of the competition", he replied with a smirk of his own.

"We'll see then won't we", I brought an end to the silent battle we were having with our eyes.

I'll have to admit, I did feel myself blushing when he mentioned the tending to my tears part.

Our doors were pulled open and the flashing of cameras temporarily blinded me.

That little conversation we had actually called my nerves as I felt myself flashing a smile to my friends as they helped me out the car.

Me, Salman, Farida and Salman's best friend Kasim went round to the back of the hall.

Kasim is 19 and Hameedah may or may not have a crush on him. Turns out he changed schools a lot which is why he's still in Ss3.

We're going to walk in through a door on the stage while the rest dance in from the front. Hameeda was supposed to be with me instead of Farida but she bailed last minute claiming she can't miss the opportunity to dance in on my wedding. Typical Hameeda.

The music started and I imagined Hameedah dancing her life out. We waited behind the door and immediately it started opening we moved forward and stepped unto the stage.

Cheers erupted in the hall and I could see every phone pointed in our direction. I looked around the hall and I felt very relieved to see only our family and close family friends were present. I didn't want the wedding to be such a big deal.

We danced a bit, played games, and generally had fun. Hameedah and Sumayyah won a game that the bride's friends and groom's friends played and they won airpods.

My favorite part of the event however was when most of the elders left leaving only the teens and young adults. We jammed to old songs till our feet were tired before we decided it was time to leave.

Salman didn't dance much claiming he doesn't dance. Bro if you don't know how to dance just say it, not many are blessed with feet like mine.

Kai Amarya

I'm now sitting in a black Lexus jeep with two of my aunties beside me. Ya Aflah's husband, Ya Muhammad was driving with Ya Aflah in the passenger's seat. I'm so grateful for Sandy because she hasn't left my side throughout the wedding. Ya Siddiqqa was just there doing her own thing. They were all talking oblivious to the mess I was. I was on my way to my new house.

Earlier Mama and Baba together with all my siblings had a moment with me. We all ended up in tears. It was a heartfelt moment. After that I was dragged to my room and I wore an army green gown topped with a golden alkyabba. No make up was applied on me because everyone knew I'd become a crying mess.

I was taken to my in-laws or lemme say my cousin's house for the budan kai. I noticed that Habeeba and her mom kept eyeing me but I didn't let it get to me.

That reminds me, I forgot to tell you guys about what happened between Habeeba and I during the dinner yesterday. She came up to me when I was sitting and hugged me. I was so surprised I couldn't even push her away. She brought out her phone to take selfies with me but while doing so, she squeezed my arm and whispered to me.

"Welcome to hell, b***h".

I pulled my arm from her hold and before I could even respond, she was gone.

Now as I stared at her, I could feel my anger resurfacing but I reminded myself to not let her get to me.

Farida fixed the hood of my alkyabba and we sat on the carpet. Ammi, Salman's mom is Kanuri, so a few Kanuri traditions were carried out.

Part of these traditions include giving me a name that I would be called by her family and they named me Kwaise.

The Budan Kai took place and I was led to a beautiful flat. The flat was in the same compound but away from the house.

We spent some time talking with the girls before Farida received a message from Kassim telling us that they're here. The girls all started picking their veils to go. I begged and begged them but they didn't even look at me. I saw some of them fighting back their tears. I felt panic all over. They all stepped out and some moments later I heard his voice saying the salaam. I felt all the energy drain out of me and my body went limp on the bed.

I'm sorry the chapter had a shit ending 😭 I got tired of typing.

I always imagine talking about something like football on my way to my wedding event, is that weird?🤣🤣

Bye sweethearts
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