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Hiii, I've tried to write stories before but nothing really seems to ever stay for me either it is my motivation or I become bored with the story and try to alter it every five seconds. Crossing my fingers with this one.

In one of my classes for school, we were studying folktales and one of the stories we read into was Cinderella. Later when we had a major project that just so happened to be 10% of our grade, my teacher dropped it on us that we would have to write our own Cinderella story, so this is what I turned in with slight chances and about 1000 more words added – we had a word limit, okay?

This is one of my own pieces; all characters, the plot, it all came from my own mind so if this stolen I’m going to be pissed. I’ve put several hours into this piece of work, I’ve stressed about it, I’ve cried over it not working out the way I want it to, I’ve cried over the word limit. Please, DO NOT put this on any other website without my permission, I won’t bite if you come talk to me.

I would like to take a moment a give a HUGE thanks to cxlum-hood for making the amazing cover! Like look at that, look!

I'll upload the first chapter tonight after school.


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