Your Birth Chart

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A natal, or birth chart is an astronomical snapshot of the sky based on the exact day, time, and place you were born, It maps out the location of each planet, along with the sign and house it was in at that moment. In astrology, a natal chart indicates your character traits, behavioral tendencies, hidden desires, and the directions your life might take.

Along with your sun sign, which would be the sign you identify as, there are also other signs that you are comprised of. The above picture describes what the planets mean

If you'd like to read your whole birth chart you can here:

Once you enter your birth information and load the page, you can scroll all the way to bottom to get a compressed version of your chart that you can look at before you read your analysis' at the top. Lemme know what you get! I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, aquarius ascendant myself ;)

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