The Signs As Annoying Injuries

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Aries: Running a brush through your hair and getting it caught on a tangle

Taurus: Biting your tongue while chewing your food

Gemini: Choking on your own saliva

Cancer: Getting soap or anything other than water in your eyes by accident

Leo: The mouth burns you get after eating your food when it was still too hot, because you're impatient

Virgo: The headaches you may get after doing an activity for too long without rest or a break

Libra: Chafing from clothing that irritated your skin for too long

Scorpio: Stubbing or knocking your toes into something

Sagittarius: That brief electric shock you get after you touch metal or someone that carries static

Capricorn: The way your hand cramps/gets sore after you've been writing for too long

Aquarius: Hitting your funny bone

Pisces: Papercuts or accidentally pricking your finger

I write this in woe as just a moment ago I burned my mouth from eating food that was still too hot, because I am impatient and unable to wait

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