Author's Note...

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guys i know everybody hates authors notes but i need to ask you guys something. Do you guys like my story? i'm just curious because nobody ever comments or likes this story!!!! should i change anything? im not feeling the love guys. it hurts. 

seriously though i really want to talk to my readers and i'm bored right now, thus the reason why im writing this authors note. 

oh and another thing: im getting a feeling that alexis is seriously favoring ni and li. so she'll be with them for a lot of the time and im sorry if you dont like that,  but personally i think it makes more sense, considering they were the ones who adopted her.

oh and the rest of this story will be in alexis' pov because it is a hell of a lot of work writing from six different perspectives. yeah theyre will still be the occasional band member pov, but don't get your hopes up on it. 

so goodbye my lovelies<3 and have a fanflackingtastic day(:


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