Chapter 1

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-Hey guys, this is my first story. Hope you like it! Comment your thoughts! x

My life is perfect. I have everything i want. I live alone, in penthouse that is every women dream. It is in central London. So you must be wondering how can one woman have all this? I'm 26 years old, CEO of Waynelatore Designs. Which is one of the lead design companies in the world
Every morning is the same story. I get up. Shower. Have my breakfast. Go to work. So this morning starts the same way. My alarm rings at 7am. It's quite. I leave my bed and slowly walk to the shower. Feeling tired like I didn't sleep for 10 hours. When did i sleep last time this long? The next thing I know the cold drops are flowing through my skin. So relaxing.I feel more woken up now . Let's do some make up first. My eyes are looking at the black eye blonde woman who has everything she needs yet again she looks sad and empty. God, listen to yourself, you will be late for work. So I continue. Foundation, black eyeliner and nude lipstick. That would be it. And a little blush so i have some color in my cheeks . It doesn't look bad. I start brushing my hair and go to my wardrobe. I search for something that will explain how I feel and there it is. Perfect dress that tells 'I'm not in the mood today'. New grey dress, that I bought couple of days ago . It's a high nack, stretch knee length dress with long sleeves. I find my favourite nude Louboutins and pick up my Givenchy bag. My housekeeper isn't here this week so I know there is no good breakfast, so I go downstairs and have a bite of some leftovers. And again there are those thoughts of my boring life. This feeling is eating me up these day. I cheak my phone for some new emails. The first time a slept this long and there is 100 of emails and 3 missing calls. Yesterday at 11pm. It's from my best friend, Scarlett. I dail her immediately. She answers after first ring.

"What the hell is wrong with your phone?" She snaps. Easy hun, I'm not in the mood for your morning anger.

"Um, it was on mute because I fell a sleep." I answer her immediately.

" Do you have a life? Except to run the company? I'm starting to worry about you! You didn't have a boyfriend for 6 months. I called you last night so we could have a one night stand.." , this is the last thing I needed. She doesn't understand that I dedicated my life to my designs. That Waynelatore is the words top design house.

" With all due respect you can't talk to me like that. You are my best friend but not my mother.", and there it is that pain in my lungs. My mother. I don't speak for 10 seconds. Then I relise that there is uncomfortable silence between us,"Look, I have to go, I'm going to be late for work and I have a busy schedule today. We will talk tonight. Or come at my place, we can have one of those sleepovers. We can talk all night, tomorrow is Saturday so I don't have to be at work."

" I will be earlier there so you will have a proper meal since your housekeeper is on vacation." , she says

" Sure, I will leave my keys to doorman. I will tell him you are coming. I will be home at 7pm the latest."

"Okay, love you and don't be mad at me! Just looking out for you!" , she says it like she is deeply sorry.

"No worries, love you too." I hang up. This is not my day definitely. I take my coat,lock my door and enter the elevator. When I reach the ground floor I see the doorman. At the same spot every single day. That man deserves one hell of salary.

" Hello Alfred, how are you today?" I ask. That man is like a father to me.

" Good morning Esmé, it's a lovely morning what to say.", he says with a big smile. Good that for someone this day is great. Listening to him saying my name with such love warms my cold heart . Alfred is one of the few people that calls me by my name.

"Happy to hear that! Can you please give this keys to Sky when she comes?", I smile to him.

" Of course!", he takes the keys and smiles again. Oh I love this man so much. I smile back and live the buliding. And there is my driver waiting in front of Range Rover.

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