Chapter 2

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-Chapter two is here. Hope you like it! If you have any thoughts, comment! x

I'm in shock! What the hell? A.W. who is that? This is too much! What I'm going to do with this phone? Sylvia enters my office little scared.

" What the hell is wrong now?", I snap.

" Miss, your phone, um it has been sold. They can send you only the normal one..", she turns her head down and start crossing her fingers. I feel so angry. And I gotta say a little ,just a little happy.

"To who?", God give me patients. I'm on the edge to fire her right now!

"They can't tell. It's in costumers rights.. I'm sorry miss it's not my fault.." She say quickly.

" I don't care! You are fired! You can't do the damn job! You're no longer my PA!", I feel a little sorry for her. But damn if I'm giving her high salary maybe she could do her job properly!

"Miss Esmé, please don't do it! It will never happen again! I need to pay my studies!", she starts to cry. For a hundred time, this is not my day. What will I do now? She was good today. Brought me coffee quickly. I don't know.

" You're not my PA anymore, you will be working for Mr Brandon on 13th floor. Be happy you are still working! It will be enough for your studies. It's a high salary." I snap.

"Thank you, Miss Esmé. I'm sorry.", she says and dry her eyes with her hand. I give her a tissue.

" Look I need someone good for this job, can't waste my time on problems like this! Pack your things and go." , she wouldn't be working for Brandon too, but I don't want to be a reason she is on street.

"Goodbye ,Miss Waynelatore.", and she is gone. I pick my office telephone and call 13th floor.

"Waynelatore designs, how can I help you?", this would be so easier if I had my phone now.

" It's Esmé, give me Brandon, now!", I snap. Have no time for this. I have to go in 20 minutes to Mrs Wornson.

"Oh Miss Esmé, he will be on the line in the second!" ,she says in a hurry. I hate to wait, especially when I'm angry.

"Miss Esmé, what can I do for you?", he asks.

" I just fired my PA, but I was feeling generous , so she still has a job in your department. Find her place, I know you have those. A good one. She need to pay her studies." I says. This is too much. She doesn't deserve this at all.

"And since I'm talking to you find me in 10min a new PA. And I want her/him to be the best!" i tell him in a hurry.

"I just have a perfect girl for you Miss, she will be on her way." He says with voice full of enthusiasm.

"Okay, bye." I hang up. Uh let's see I have to go im 15 minutes and I don't have a phone. I hate that I have to use this one. But this would be temporary. Why did he send me this? Is this some kind of the game?As soon as I power it up I hear knock on my door. Young girl, full of ambition. I can see by the way she walks.

" Miss Waynelatore, I'm Samantha, your new PA.", she says. I can see she is so happy for her new job. Who wouldn't be?

"Okay, we will see how good you are. You know where your desk is. I think there is my schedule somewhere on the table too. I have a meeting in 2pm. Call my driver. I have to leave in 5-10 minutes. And you have location in e-mail, but you already knew that.", she is listening very carefully. I like this girl." Put this bouquet in vase please, when I leave the office."i say.

"Of course, Miss Esmé.", she leaves my office. I stare at the flowers and start counting them unconsciously. Fifteen roses! That means he is really sorry for what has he done. Me and Sky knew all about it when we were in high school. This man knows a lot about roses. And pitch and orange. Love at first sight. What the hell? I need to get out of this office right away! This is getting insane! In the second, I fly through my office and take my purse, my coat and of couse my temporary phone!

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