Break Away

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For Nat :)

I sit at my desk quietly. Mrs.Hidie passes each desk with a meter long ruler in her hand, watching each and everyone of us closely.  As Mrs.Hidie, a thick woman with long brown hair, and black eyes approaches me, she sneers. Everyone at Draconian Academy for girls know how easy I am. People always try to break me.

We have a strict policy. No loose hairs, no makeup, no pants, shorts, or skirts. It's all black dresses, and tight hair buns. In this new world, men are a sin. None of us in Droconian Academy have ever in our lives once seen a male. It's forbidden. Men are a curse, and anyone caught next to, talking about, with, listening to, looking at, breathing on, are beheaded.

We live in Verlia. A world of order, and strictness.  In Verlia the world is split into two sections. The Girls, and womens section, and the men and boys section.

"Maria."Head mistress Aleena calls.

I stand slowly, my head held high, and my hands tucked behind my back,"Yes Head Mistress?"I say in robot form.

"Come to me. It's your turn for the reading of the Decree,"She said, her pointed nose held up in the air.

I nod, and walk to the front of the large auditorium. I had been dreading this day since they first told me that it was my week. The Decree is a large book, that's held on a podium that states all rules, and regulations. They only place the book infront of you to tempt you. You are to know this book inside and out since the day you're born.

In birth they progam you with a chip inserted into the brain, that gives you the knowledge of the Decree. Only the girls with the best brains can remember once you turn one week old. You are to know this by heart. Any baby that cannot remember is beheaded, by the birthing mother.

I stand infront of the Decree, and forbid my eyes to take one look. Just one look could have me beaten. I look out amongst my fellow girls, and straighten my back. I am the ninth oldest. At 16 years old I should know all. Luckily, I do.

So I begin.

I go through the rules, one by one, explaining, and enforcing them. I had never told anyone that I didn't like the rules. You're to act, follow, love, and agree with the Decree. Anyone who doesn't is burned in acid.

Everything went perfect. When I was done, it was quiet. Head mistress, nodded,"Very nice. Get the brander."She said to the woman next to her.

I almost flinched. I am not allowed to show emotion. 

Getting burned with the brander is a priviledge. You are burned on your back until you have eightteen marks. You get your first mark when burned. Once you recieve all eightteen, you're free. You no longer have to go to the academy. You are free to roam and meet other free woman on our side of the world.

The lady stuck the brander in the fire, waiting until the rusted metal turned red, with warmth. When being branded you must take it. If you cry, scream, flinch, bit your lip, or resist, the skin is taken from your back, and placed with new skin. Then you must start all over again.

The lady hands Head Mistress the Branding iron, and she walks to me. Someone pushes the podium away so everyone can see me. The lady unzips the back of my dress, just to where it's three inches from my waistline. Head mistress turned me around so everyone can see, and count how many marks I have. I am not embarrassed, I am not shameful, I am brave. I can do this. 

I don't even feel the branding iron touch my skin, until I smell the thick smoke of burning flesh. It intoxicates me, but I refuse to remove from my sturdy postion.

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