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'Illusion', this chapter and several next ones were all supposed to be one chapter but I realized it was becoming waaay too longer and I did not know when I would finish it. So while unsure, I still decided to separate it in pieces.

I did read reviews. Thank you for that little treat!

Motorlady, you mentioned that it felt like Jazz just gave up the climb. It was not quite like that and I tried to clarify it in this chapter. Though, he does feel like he failed. That is why there are more chapters to come.

I spent more than a weak to climb from ~2000 words to over 9000 but, wow, I missed writing. I have to study now so I don't know how much more I can post any time soon.

I wish you all the best!

Origin (Transformers)

Chapter 14. Spirit.

"Little scraplet... Just had to choose the worst route possible..."

"Remind me why you are here..."

Ironhide just growled an annoyed reply and tried to ignore the medic's gaze.

"I thought you didn't like him..." Ratchet knowingly pointed out checking the readings of the scanner he held.

"'Like'?" the mech gave a dry laugh, "That scraplet is like sand in a joint. A smug, overconfident, empty-helmed- aghh... Look where he took us. Scanning the swamp because his rusted processor convinced him that running of into the wildlands is a good idea."

"And you volunteered to make sure he never returns..."

The weapon specialist through his old friend a very annoyed glare, "Don't you dare think I'm getting soft. I was supposed to meet him, so I'm partly responsible. Can't sit at the base and we can't leave him in this pit-like place either, Kaonian or not. The youngster's barely old enough to properly transform."

Ratchet smirked and turned to the approaching figure,"Still trying to use the comm?"

"Might as well try..."

Prowl had been doing so during the whole search. They had a group of mechs spread in the area they predicted the mechling would go to, trying to find any sign. The Spreeder Roots' were messing with the comms but the Praxian still kept it open in case Jazz, for some miraculous reason, attempted a contact. Thanks to the mech they had greatly narrowed the search area. But even with him it was hard to follow the rare signs of the youngling. The group had started at the edge of the swamp, where Jazz could have climbed from, if he did indeed pass the area almost impossible for adult bots to walk through.
"Hey mechs! Overhere!"

From where he stood further away from the edge, Hound waved the four three of them to come.

"See that..." the mech kneeled to the ground pointing at one of the small puddles among the loads in that area, all filled with mix of cooler and black cabel-oil, "He walked in that direction. Though it's old and judging by the prints he's drained."

"No wonder."

"So he did climb out." Ironhide glanced t the swamp glad that they at least did not need to check the nasty place.

Hound looked up, "He wouldn't have walked too far."

"But then why didn't we see him yet."

"He hid to rest?"

"Possible..." Hound followed the trail, "Amphiboids live in this area, they messed up the tracks... There is no guaranty Jazz will be able to keep a straight line though..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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