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Sunny: *on the phone* got any questions, Yoonji?

Yoonji: None. Thank you again. I'm really excited to move in.

Sunny: I'm glad that I could help. I'll see you in 2 days then.

Yoonji: Alright, ma'am.

Sunny: chuckles* Call me Sunny.

Yoonji: But isn't that informal?

Sunny: I know but it makes me feel young.

Yoonji: *laughs* Ok, Sunny. Bye

They hung up.

Yoonji was about moving out. Not that far but a few miles away. She wanted to experience how it's like to live alone independant away from her parents. And besides, her school won't be that far away anymore and she doesn't have to wake up so early.

Mom: Are you sure you're ok on your own, Yoonji?

Yoonji: Yes ma, don't worry about me. I'm already 18, soon turning 19.

Mom: Call me or text me if you need help with something ok?

Yoonji: *smiles* I will.

Mom: Well then. I'll go make us dinner now.


After taking a shower, Yoonji sat on the bed and read the magazines. A smile appeard on her face when she saw her sister on the pages.

Yoonji: Uhhh Chae unnie is getting more and more famous. Or should I say Rosè unnie. *turning pages*

Yoonji: Aigoo this one's too beautiful! *fangirl*

Yoonji was a #1 fan of Park Chaeyoung aka Rosè, the famous model in south korea.

Yoonji was a #1 fan of Park Chaeyoung aka Rosè, the famous model in south korea

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Yoonji: My sister is so cool~

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Yoonji: My sister is so cool~

Mom: Yoonji! Dinner is ready!

Yoonji: Coming!

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