5 Febuary, 2014

409 14 13

I tugged on the black designer shoes I wore. "Janice, don't forget to smile!" Mom giggled as she tugged me into the car.

"Ow, ow, owwwww! I'm not a baby anymore, Mom!" I called. Sigh... Mom doesn't understand.

As dad got seated I took a deep breath. With such nice clothes I'd probably be welcomed.

I saw the school. Oh, god... I muttered. "We're here!" Mom chirped. "Uh, okay..." I replied.

I entered the school. Jeez, there are so many people here! I thought to myself. "Hi, may I know where to get my locker?" I asked a girl with brown pigtails. "Oh, sure! Turn left at that end, and go to the office. There'll be Jessica, ask her." The girl smiled. "Thank you." I sighed with relief.

I followed as told. Then I saw a girl, and OMG. She was TEXTING. I mean, like... An office assistant shouldn't do that... Should they? Okay, three... Two... One. I counted in my head.

"Hi!" I smiled. "Uh, yes? Wait, are you that new girl Janice Anderson?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you. I'm Jessica." She said, "Your locker number is 739. Now scram."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the piece of paper with the password. "That girl is DAMN rude..." I muttered. 734, 735... 736, 737, 738, oh! 739! I


"Got it." I said as I pulled open the door. I packed it neatly. "Hey, are you that girl Janice?" a boy asked me. "Um, yes, why?" I replied, still laying my stuff into the locker.

"Nothing. I'm Drake Herkins, by the way." The boy whistled. "Um, okay." I replied nervously. The people here are weird... I thought.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to their classes. I went for Geography first. The girl with the brown pigtails was there already. The teacher, Miss Harrison, told me to go over to her table. "Yes?" I asked. "Okay, you're going to introduce yourself to the class." Miss Harrison informed me.

I stood at the board, in front of the whole class. I put on my best smile. "Hi! I'm Janice Anderson. I'm happy to be enrolled in this school, and I hope all of you would- uh... Um... Accept me as a friend?" I said.

Very few clapped. Sigh... This was gonna be horrible.

"McKenzie Hollister? Please assign her to any seat." Miss Harrison smiled. "Sure." A really pretty girl replied.

She guided me to the middle of the whole room. There I sat. "There you go." McKenzie told me.

The whole class was pretty boring. I slept until I DROOLED. And yes. I didn't write anything so I was lucky I didn't get tattooed with words. Heh.

I'm skipping every lesson. I won't write anything about those boring classes in here.

In the cafeteria, I didn't get to sit anywhere. Then I   settled down with the girl. As in the one with brown pigtails. "Hey, thanks for helping me earlier." I told her. "Aren't you one of the CCPs? I mean, look at you." A girl with long, let-down hair exclaimed.

"What's CCB?" I asked, confused. "You mean CCP. They're those." the one with brown pigtails pointed at McKenzie. Jessica too. And a bunch of cute girls.

"CCP stands for Cute, Cool, and Popular." A short-haired girl said.

"I'm Nikki. The short-haired girl is Zoey, and the one with long hair is Chloe." the girl with brown pigtails said.

"Okay." I smiled. "Oh wait, I'll go get food."

The food was okay, I'd give it 8/10. Nikki and the others were real kind. We went back and had to go for Geometry.

"Bye, Chloe! Bye, Zoey!" I called out. Zoey waved. Nikki smiled and showed me the way. "Oh." I giggled. McKenzie eyed at us the whole time. "That girl is CRAZY." I muttered to Nikki.

"Sure she is! McKenzie is a snake with overgrown nosehairs. Get it?" Nikki joked.

They're plain enemies, alright.. I confirmed.

School ended with a ring. OMG. Best school ever.

Nikki was like my BFF.

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