Chapter 1 - The stranger (rewritten)

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This is the rewritten chapter 1, I didn't feel like I liked the first draft. It was not written the way I wanted it, but let me tell you. 

The original Chapter 1, was actually a chapter I wrote in middle school. It wasn't even edited, which explains the bad content of word use and flaws. 

Sorry, guys. just needed a starter, and I loved the old story, so I began from there, with the mindset on rewriting it once.

I was coming home late from school that night, I had had extra tuition, but not because I was stupid or anything. I got evening lessons because I was far above average than most. My tutoring after regular classes was about me learning higher levels on the subjects I had in the regular class, I had to take classes in the late evenings because I wasn't allowed to jump over one class again. So I was obligated to continue in the class I had been in since the beginning of my high school year, not because I was bragging, but I was starting to get extremely bored. As a result, my teacher had suggested me to take on the evening classes offered by the school to the highly intelligent students, and I had accepted. My parents had nothing against it because they knew I was responsible considering my age of 15.

I still remember the feeling of complete helplessness which 'he' gave me. I had not reached my bus so I had to walk home, not that I was bothered by it I loved the nights. And since it was Friday and I didn't have to get up early the next day, I could take my time and look at the sky that always made me feel relaxed

That night I had the intuition of being watched, but no matter how many times I turned around to see a presence of which I was convinced was close to me, I saw nothing. There was only a dark path that was surrounded by trees.

I loved to walk through the park in the evening, or rather night since it was almost midnight.

The moon shone high in the sky and was full. It was the only light which granted me a vision of where I was walking. I had all my loved the mood, but that night it was as if something was new and mysterious about me.

Even though I was a bit skeptical about walking through the park that night, I had still chosen to move forward, since it was the quickest way to reach my home.

Other young women my age would never go out so late at night. Certainly not alone, and definitely not through the park that late, taking into consideration that the park had no lights installed. But I had never been like many others; I was always one of those who loved the night and its many beautiful scenes.

I had been walking in my own thoughts for quite some time, though that resolved efficiently when I felt a breath on my neck, I stopped abruptly. I was trying to go through my options, but I had never been one to run away from my fears.

With a quick decision and motion, I turned around and stood face to chest with a man, whose height was unbelievable. Like normally my curiosity got the better of me, and my eyes began to look up. My head was forced to keep up with my eyes since was very small compared to the giant who stood in front of me.

The man I was standing close by was dressed in dark clothes from head to toe. He had an extremely dangerous atmosphere surrounding him.

I allowed myself with a bit uncertainty to look at the stranger's face, which proved that my curiosity took control of my rationality. I quickly regretted. When my vision made the first connection to his face I immediately noticed the sadistic smirk that was upon his lips. Although I was scared, I simultaneously captivated.

My eyes allowed themselves to wander further up and meet his distinctive red vision which was aimed directly at my own.

The opportunity to escape from his piercing eyes had long since disappeared, but when the environment around me turned darker, my sight moved automatically to the now dark scenarios I was standing in.

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