Chapter 14 - The Conversation

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Elizabell's POV

We ended up going to bed reasonably late, but I reminded Luna that we still hadn't done much to the building. So we were forced to once again make out entrance at the scene. This time we had to repair the damage done. I still had to make my bands instruments; we had no opportunity to practice before.

But it had to wait until we got up again. Hopefully, the police and fire department in Chicago would be just as lazy as usual and make up a lame excuse about "First having time to examine the building at the end of next week", which would give us enough time to rectify everything.

"Goodnight Luna."

"Goodnight Bells"

We lay next to each other on my queen size mattress and Luna seemed to fall asleep rather quickly.

But that night I didn't sleep much, I couldn't help but think about Shane, I had left my mate with no possible way to find me. Originally, the only reason I couldn't handle a partner, was because I was still looking for my twin, but now it was more that I was afraid. Shane is an Alpha and a strong one too; would he really find a miserable witch satisfying? I kept finding new questions about Shane and my relationship if there ever would be one. Eventually, I fell asleep from exhaustion.

Luna's POV

I woke up by some rumbling outside Bell's room. my sister was still asleep so I snuck out to the all in one room, I was surprised to find all the members of her band standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning" The guy Bell had introduced as Cameron. He was actually an attractive man, his half long brown hair went down to the beginning of his neck, and with his light brown eyes, he reminded me of a chocolate bar.

"Good morning" I replied, a little shy about the fact I hardly had greeted them yesterday at my arrival.

"There is breakfast in a minute, will you wake up Elizabell?" The guy named Jasper as I recalled asked from across the kitchen. He was anything but within the norms. With his long black silky hard that went down to his reasonable delicious ass and his incredibly recognizable turquoise blue eyes, one would know who he was without looking at much of him.

"Yeah, of course, no problem." I smiled.

"Great, I hope you like bacon." Another guy by the name Michael announced from the cooker side. He was nothing like the others he had the most incredible natural red hair, the color that almost turns over into orange, without being ugly of course. At the same time I noticed his incredible dark brown eyes, if I didn't know better I'd think they were black.

I felt that I was staring at them for too long, so I quickly got to my feet and rushed through the door to bells room, who by the way laid on the mattress in a fetal position with her entire duvet wrapped protectively around her body.

"Good morning, breakfast is ready in a minute." I chirped, pulling the covers off her.

"Morning..." Bells responded foggily. Wow, I thought to myself, bells really weren't a morning person. She looked like someone who hadn't slept during multiple nights.

After she had put on a baggy shirt and some small shorts we went back to the kitchen. I had just slept in one of her baggy t-shirts which fortunately went down below my ass, I didn't really want to show all of my 'benefits' to her roommates

"As fresh as always, I see." Michael laughed alluded to Bells appearance.

"Coffee" Bells simply commanded.

2 seconds later there was a giant cup on the table in front of a chair, I would guess was bells permanent seat. Plates and cutlery were placed on the table or island where five chairs stood around.

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