First day

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To say Tim was bored was an understatement. He has been standing standing in the middle of a shop with Christmas' trees for the past three hours. He was cold to the bone and was ready to break his one rule if Dick didn't chose a tree in the next ten minutes. He was going to fucking kill him.

Tim now understood that asking dicks help for choosing a tree was a terrible idea. He absentmindedly reached for the bataring he always carried with him. Dick had five minutes. Five fucking minutes.

The only reason he was even buying a tree was because he wanted to have some normal Christmas with his boyfriend Jason since neither of them celebrated them in their early childhood.

''Tim'' he heard Dick yell ''come here I found one''

''fucking finally'' Tim muttered while he was approaching dick

''here. He'll love it'' Dick said pointing at a beautiful tall tree.

Three long hours later.......

Tim  broke the tree. he broke the fucking tree. he was almost finished decorating the tree when he slipped, fell of the ladder and took the tree with him on the floor. and of fucking course it broke. now the living room was filled with leaves and Tim was on the verge of crying. 

The door opened and Jason entered the apartment.

''The fuck happened here'' Jason questioned.

Tim explained the whole thing announcing that this was the worst day of his life. Tim heard a giggle and then a full on laugh. Jason was fucking laughing. what an asshole.

''Stop laughing, you idiot'' Tim grabbed an ornament from the floor and threw it at Jason's head. Jason raising his hands in defense still laughing

''You destroyed a tree all on your own and I'm the idiot'' Jason teased. Tim shot him a deadly glare

''But don't worry you're my idiot'' Jason continued to tease. Tim was ready to kill him. he picked another ornament.

''I surrender ! I surrender !'' Jason screamed before Tim had the chance to hit him.

''And by the way I love what you've done with the place. It's quite homey. Brings back memories you know....'' Jason said.

Tim was sooooo gonna kill him.

A/N Hope you liked it!

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