I Don't Know What To Call This Part

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When we reach my room I shut the door, I grab my pyjamas off my bed.

"I'll turn around if you want me too" says Gustav

"your choice, it doesn't bother me" I say cheekily

He just sits on bed in reply and looks at the pieces of paper on my desk.

"wow since when were you such a good artist" says Gustav holding up a sheet of paper with a sketch of him on it.

"what? Oh that picture yes, well, I don't really know I guess I was just bored a few nights ago" I reply whilst lifting my red shirt over my head. Gustav blushes at the sight and I giggle.

"this drawing looks just like me! It's amazing" he says, trying to cover up his blush

"thanks Gustav" I say and take off my skirt and leggings

I pull on my pyjama top and trousers. I take out my braid and start combing my hair, suddenly Gustav stands up and walks over to me.

He stands right in front of me and runs his hand through my soft hair. He looks deep into my eyes and leans in to kiss me, he puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders.
The kiss was slow and passionate. We make out for a few minutes before we pull away.
I go and climb under the duvet and Gustav snuggles in close to me, wrapping his arm protectively around me.

"i love you y/n" whispers Gustav softly

"i love you too" I reply

I lay my head on his chest and soon fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up with Gustav still sleeping next to me, I brush a stray piece of his dark hair out of his face and smile to myself.
how did I get so lucky I think.
I carefully get out of bed and get changed, brush my hair, get clean and brush my teeth.
I quietly walk down stairs, Starfire wakes up and bounds over to me almost smashing a vase in the process. I catch it and put it back on the small stand.

"good morning Starfire, how do you like your new home?" I ask her

She purrs in response and I stroke her smooth scaly head.
I go and fetch some salmon for the dragons from the kitchen, put them in bowls and set them down in the living room, the dragons enthusiastically dig into their breakfast.
I go back to the kitchen and start cooking scrambled eggs and bacon with yak milk for Gustav and I.

"y/n where are you" I hear Gustav call down the stairs sounding panicked.

"it's OK I'm in the kitchen cooking breakfast" I tell him

"ok I'm coming down now" he says
I laugh to myself and take the pans off the fire. I hear Gustav coming down the stairs.
I get two plates out of the cupboard and dish out the food.

"that smells delicious" says Gustav

"it's ready" I say with a smile when he comes into my view

I set the plates down on the table and sit down on one of the chairs, Gustav follows me and we eat our breakfast whilst chatting.

"we should go flying again today" Gustav suggests with a grin

"good idea!" I say

As soon as we finish our breakfast, we put our plates in the wash basin and fetch our saddles.

"come on girls we're going flying today" I say to the dragons who were curled up next to the fire.
They immediately rush over to us and we all head out the door.
The dragons play for a short while as Gustav and I put on our boots.

Gustav holds my hand and pulls me in to his chest, I get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. As we're about to kiss we hear someone wolf whistling, we jump apart and turn to the sound. Hiccup was standing there in front of us.

"so you guys finally got together then, I didn't see Gustav leave last night you  didn't... You know, did you?" he asks with a strict voice.

"what!? No!" I exclaim

"don't lie to me" he says

"we're not!" Gustav snaps

"i know I'm just kidding around" hiccup replies, throwing his hands up in surrender

"good but we were going flying so we're going to go now" I say

"be safe!" hiccup calls after us as we walk off with our dragons. We laugh at him and start walking to the waterfall.

"I'm so happy that we're together y/n"  says Gustav softly

"i am too" I say

"remember when we first went searching for fanghook because snotlout thought he was going to die?" asks Gustav with a chuckle

"oh my thor we were so tiny" I laugh

"I already had a crush on you at that point" he tells me

"me too" I admit with a smile, receiving a grin from Gustav

"yeah I remember fanghook just dropping you on the floor and you saying I meant to do that" I say and burst into a fit of laughter at the memory.
Gustav started laughing too, and soon enough we reached the lake.

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