Dragon Searching

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"y/n are you in!?" I hear an all too familiar voice calling through the front door of my house.
My best friend Gustav, we were going to look for a dragon today. I smile and get out of bed.
I look out of the window and see the sun wasn't quite out yet. Of course he had to come at the crack of dawn!
I run down the stairs, two at a time. I open the door and see Gustav grinning at me.

"hey there" he says with a goofy smile

"hello" I reply enthusiastically

"shouldn't you get dressed before we get going?" he asks

I look down at myself and realize I was still in my pyjamas

"oh shoot the devil I forgot!" I say and smack myself on the head

"Go on and get ready I'll be by the fire" he says, kicking off his muddy boots.

I go back upstairs and get dressed, comb my hair, wash my face and brush my teeth.

"come on y/n the sun will be out before you're ready at this rate!" he yells jokingly

"alright, alright I'm coming" I tell him
And head back down the stairs for the second time.

"finally!" says Gustav, exasperated.
"sorry I was still half asleep, it's the crack of dawn and I was still in bed"

"oh my thor! Im so sorry, I thought you were up" he apologises

"hey don't worry about it, it's more my fault if anything I forgot" I say in a soft voice

"OK, well lets get going fanghook is getting bored outside" he says

"you know she can come in the house right?" I ask him

"oh well thanks, I didn't want to just bring her in without your permission" says Gustav

"of course you can, Gustav we've been best friends since we were tiny, you should know that my home is your second home" I say jokingly

"thanks y/n" he says with a cute smile

"let's get going" he adds and practically drags me by the arm out of my house

Fanghook bounds over to me and nuzzles her huge scaly head into my chest.

"hey Fanghook, did you miss me girl?"  I say softly and Stroke her soft nose, she purrs quietly

"she really loves you y/n, whenever we leave the house she thinks we're going to see you, its really cute" says Gustav, watching me and Fanghook greet each other.

"aww that's so cute!" I say

We walk for a few minutes to our favourite spot on Berk; A quiet and secluded waterfall and lake next to lush green grass, cherry blossom trees and daisies.
There were brightly coloured fish swimming around in the water, dragonflies were hovering above the water and small frogs were hopping around on the lily pads.
Gustav and I always came here to watch the stars, swim and just hang out. 

"let's get going" Gustav says softly and I jump at the sound of his voice, as I had been taking in the beauty of the place for a short while.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you"  he says

"it's OK, I just can't get over how beautiful this place is even though we've been here so many times" I say

"it sure is gorgeous" he says and climbs up onto his dragons scaly back.
Gustav holds out his hand to help me and I take it and he hoists me up behind him.

"Thanks" I say

"no problemo" he says with a chuckle

I wrap my arms around him as fang hook take of so I don't fall. We climb higher and higher into the sky until we can run our fingers through the clouds.

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