Updates on school and whatnot

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Midterms are this week and I'm extremely stressed. These are 25% of my grade and if I do well then I might bring my Spanish grade up to at least a B if not higher. I'm not good at Spanish. I think I do at least decently well in the other subjects (my Social Studies grade is currently a C because I forget to turn in homework,) but my Spanish grade is a D and I'm not proud of myself for that. I might be going to North Carolina for winter break so I can see my cousins again (they love Steven Universe just as much as I do.) But that's only if I can bring my grades up. My parents are really stressing me about this. They make me do "homework" in ALL classes AND show it to them once I'm done. They say it's just to "help you review for the midterms, we want you to do well, honeyroll!" But they're being too pushy, gotta admit. Last few days have been pretty uneventful. I went to the Houmas House Plantation & Gardens last Saturday with my grandma. We ate at a fancy restaurant there and had this giant porkchop with mustard greens. I really liked it. They also have me root beer in what I think is a wine glass, so that was fun. The pavilion outside that restaurant looked like the Harpy Garden from an old story I once made. There were also tons of little springs and grottos all over the place in the gardens. The statuary was beautiful too. I took a video of part of the actual house tour, but my kindle ended up running out of battery and I had to turn it off. We got a cement acorn bookweight (the acorn cap was wood) and a crystal rose, both of which I left at my grandma's house by accident, but she'll bring them over when she comes to visit tomorrow. School is going just fine, aside from midterms of course. The only person who isn't stressed is Minal, because she's addicted to studying and she knows she's gonna do well. Anyhoo, gotta sign off, about to be at my bus stop. Bye!

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