Chapter Twenty-One

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WOW! Tysm I can't even believe it, 100 reads in two days!!! 

Welcome to chapter 21. Grab your tissues folks! I hope you love it. Also real quick... *rummages through random box of names marked 'special'* Ah yes, Angela. You know who you are. You're welcome.

(super secret friend code if you're wondering)

Let's do dis

Chapter Twenty-One



"I know Dad," I sighed, rubbing my temple with two fingers. "Blade has it under control. So do you think Uncle Roy could do it?" I listened into the phone for his response. "Mhm... great. Okay thanks. I'll be fine. You and Mom just figure out you're stuff."

I hung up with a huff. This was the most annoying situation ever. 

"What'd he say?" Blade came into the kitchen where I was. 

"He's gonna send my Uncle Roy and some other guys," I nodded. 


There was an awkward silence. The atmosphere was weird... thick. Blade was seated on the couch I slept in the night before, his head was thrown back so it hung off the end of it. I chuckled silently and sat next to him on the farther end, hugging my knees. 

"So this is weird," I started. 

Blade nodded and sat up. "Yeah."

I scanned him. He looked exhausted, and hot in the mask. 

Like, sweaty hot. Perspiration and such. 

"Do you want to get out of that mask? I don't mind I'll just turn the other way." I smiled weakly. 

He mulled it over for a bit, I heard him kiss his teeth. "I don't know... Murray said you can't even get a glimpse of my face."

"I won't. I promise," I answered quickly. "You just look... you look like you're about to melt."

"Gee thanks."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously. You can take it off." I stood up and spun around. "See? Not looking."

I heard him sigh. 

~~~ C A R T E R

I really did want to get out of the mask. I was nervous enough. A black, tight, plastic padded object wrapped around my face did not help. 

So... I took it off. 

She didn't look like she promised... but the entire moment of sweet relief I couldn't help but think...

What if she did turn around?

What if she knew I was Blade?

Would she run? Would she even want to see me?

"Thanks," I said, running fingers through my sweaty bangs. I saw her visibly jump... not like six feet in the air, but she jumped. 

"U-um yeah, no problem," she chuckled. 

~~~ L I L Y

His voice. 

Not muffled. 

It whacked me on the side of my head like a baseball thrown by a three year old. 

"U-um yeah, no problem," I answered in some sort of forced chuckled. 

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