Snatched 6

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Something slapped Hosuh hard on the cheek and he groaned. Memories flashed in his mind, making his eyes snap open, his chest heaving. He tried to sit up, but something was tied around his legs and arms, pulling him to the ground. The metal cuffs dig into his skin, blood running onto the cold table he was placed on. His position reminded him of corpses that lay in their coffins, and it made him shiver.

He was staring at the ceiling he had come to recognise, the dirty rafters hanging over him like jungle vines, dark and intimidating. He was back in the basement, and he wasn't alone.

The man he had learnt to dread, the one that had fuelled his entire self with fear was standing over him, lips tight. The one pathetic lamp that he had placed next to him flicked wearily, casting his long shadow across the floorboards. Hosuh groaned, tugging against the restraints, one thought in his mind: get away.

"Who did you call?" His attacker asked quietly after watching his antics for some time. His voice was hard, expressionless, but he said it with a frown, eyes narrowing. Hosuh looked away, trusting himself stay brave. Not that he had been doing a good job so far, but this wasn't for him – it was for Daniel, Stephen and everyone else that cared for him; after that phone call, something had relit itself inside of him with a passion. Maybe it was his fever, maybe it was his imagination, but he swore he could feel the twisting fires inside of his soul, giving him strength for what was to come.

But how long would it last?

When Hosuh didn't answer, his kidnapper sighed, stroking his cheek. The silver-haired flinched, biting his lip until it bled.

"Answer me. I know you called someone." His kidnapper paced around the table, picking up something off the side. Hosuh's stomach dropped.

A small pocket knife was wound tightly in his long fingers. It's sharp edge glistened in the dull lamp light, and his attacker gave a swift smile.

Yet still Hosuh didn't answer, liking the feeling of something still secret, unexposed, hiding in his heart, unable to be reached by the evil in front of him.

The kidnapper moved quickly, slicing down Hosuh's uninvited arm. Hosuh cried out, trying to jerk his arm away from the blade. He looked over, seeing a long red line stretch across his shoulder, tearing his shirt.

"I think we need another lesson." His kidnapper's voice was gravelly again, a low growl in his throat as he grabbed a handful of Hosuh's hair, holding the knife to his throat. Hosuh chocked, feeling the metal cut into his skin.

"You always answer me, do you understand?!" The man's voice rose to a yell, and Hosuh nodded hastily, gasping. Not satisfied, the kidnapper punched Hosuh in the ribs, over and over. The pain grew, and Hosuh screamed in agony as he heard one of his ribs crack.

"I...I understand..." he gasped, sobbing. When the beating didn't slow he screamed louder. "I understand!" He shrieked, trembling.

"Good." The fist left, and Hosuh lay his head on the table, moaning as the cold metal cooled his fevered forehead. "I'm glad we see eye to eye. Perhaps it will make this easier for you." The man growled. Hosuh let his eyes close, coughing weakly. Each cough sent a ripple of pain down his rib cage, making him wail and writhe. The kidnapper only chuckled at his pain, bringing the knife back to his neck.

"Now, who were you calling? Police? Family? Friends?" He asked, his voice suddenly calm and soft once more. Hosuh tensed, his eyes focusing on the small splatters of blood on the table. He bit his tongue, refusing to say anything as he thought up a believable lie. Nothing sprang to his head quickly, his mind shutting down.

"Answer me!" The man roared, his temper finally breaking. He slammed his onto Hosuh's injured leg and the younger screamed, sobbing. There was a flash of silver and then a blinding pain in his ankle. Hosuh screamed again, thrashing, as his attacker pulled the knife up his leg, blood pouring from the cut. The knife dropped to the floor with a clatter but Hosuh couldn't hear it over the sound of his own sobs. Nausea rose in his chest and he coughed, pleas stuttered from his lips.

Hosuh thought it had stopped, hoping that unconsciousness would claim him, but when he saw the smug grin on the man's face, he knew it was anything but.

His attacker grabbed a large, almost cartoon looking hammer, twisting the handle in his hand. Hosuh watched, only half registering, as the hammer was swung down onto his ankle. Hosuh let out a piecing cry from the depths of his throat, and he couldn't stop. He screamed and screamed, fingernails scrabbling at the metal underneath him, his back arching, as the corners of his vision darkening. For one bliss moment, he thought he was going to black out, but he wasn't that lucky. He lay sobbing on the table as the kidnapper circled him, frowning.

"Who did you phone!" He yelled, grabbing Hosuh's shoulders and shaking him roughly.

"It...was...the...wrong...number..." he gasped.

"Bullshit." The man whispered but, to Hosuh's surprise, he let him go. His head collided painfully with the metal, making his moan. He was too exhausted to do anything else. Hosuh didn't even get the chance to close his eyes; a softer, yet more chilling touch ran over his cheek and down to his neckline, nails scratching the surface of his bruised skin.

"But you will tell me." The kidnapper smiled in what Hosuh would've guessed was a charming way, but it felt false, wrong. Subconsciously, Hosuh tugged the chains.

"You're quite handsome, you know that right?" The man whispered. He leaned closer, lips brushing against Hosuh's cheek. "That's why I wanted you."

"No!" Hosuh didn't realise he screamed out loud. He thrashed as best as he could, his broken angle cracking with the strain. He sobbed as his breath travelled up to his jawline, his hand beginning to graze his hip.

"Don't struggle." Came a murmured command. Hosuh screamed louder, his voice raw like sandpaper. He felt his shirt get rolled up and a another hand stroked his stomach.

Something in Hosuh snapped and he bit as hard as he could onto the kidnapper's invading tongue. He felt blood that wasn't his own rush into his mouth. With some satisfaction he heard the man yell, withdrawing his mouth instantly. He let out an angered yell, sliding off Hosuh and grabbing his hair. Hosuh yelled as he felt his scalp burn but finally, finally, he felt his reaction slow, his eyelids droop. His vision doubled, but as he felt himself slip into bliss nothing, the kidnapper bent close to his ear, his breath tickling his cheek.

"You will regret this, do you hear? Because whoever you called, they won't be able to do anything. You want to know why?" He paused, biting Hosuh's ear. "Because we are going far away...even if they really cared, it would be too late. You're mine now, you understand? You're mine. And I'm never letting you go."

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now