Allergies Suck

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(In this Hosuh is allergic to cashews)

Hosuh was animating.

Sat in his room, enjoying the silence, he smiled as he drew another long, black line, joining two others together. He zoomed out of the image quickly, deciding to get an overview before adding colour.

"Huh..." Hosuh muttered, pressing his pen onto a leaf, frowning at the choppy lines. How had he missed that? With a small huff he selected the eraser tool, firmly deleting the line from existence before starting again. Sighing, he leant back in his chair, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. Looking to the side, he noticed that the sky had dulled to a murky grey, the sun beginning to sink under the clouds. Funny. He thought it had been midday. He cast a quick glance at his phone, blinking at the hard brightness. It read 7:54.

"What..." Hosuh unlocked his phone, switching off his tablet. He only planned to animate for a few hours, but (if he had read it right) he had started at one, so he had been roughly working for:

"Six hours?!" Hosuh sighed, running a hand down his face. No wonder his back ached. "Alarm...why did you fail me..."

Sure enough, his phone had been on "do not disturb", so the carefully planned alarm had gone off a few hours prior silently.

Stretching, Hosuh pocketed his phone, standing unsteadily. He was midway packing up his tablet when a loud knocking echoed throughout his apartment. The knocking continued as Hosuh exited his room, yawning.

"Coming." He called, rubbing his temple. It was sore – probably because of the extra screen time. "Hang on."

As he shuffled down the hall, he thought he heard playful arguing in the other side of the door.

"Stephen...I think that's enough knocking..."

"Not until he opens the door it is not! Stephen knows what he is doing, don't worry!"

Giggling, Hosuh opened the door, revealing Daniel and Stephen. Both had small travelling cases and, though they looked tired, they grinned when they saw him.

"Hosuh! What took you so long? God!" Stephen teased, rolling his eyes. "I thought my hand might explode with the knocking!"

"Well that was completely your choice to be fair." Daniel pointed out. Stephen sighed.

"Shut up Daniel."

Hosuh giggled, staring at them in disbelief.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you tell me?" He opened the door, inviting them inside. Stephen grinned, placing a hand on his shoulder as he brushed past.

"We thought we might surprise you!" Daniel said, grinning. "We figures it had been too long since we'd seen you so..."

"We invaded." Stephen finished, looking around Hosuh's hallway. "Is that a new lightbulb? It matches the wallpaper." He pointed at the lampshade. Hosuh laughed, closing the door once Dan had made his way inside.

"You shouldn't have came..." he followed them as they moved to his living room, falling onto the sofa. "I haven't got any snacks or..." he sighed, gazing at his kitchen. He had been planning to cook that day, but his phone alarm didn't go off, which he was still mad about.

"It is okay Hosuh my small bean!" Stephen said enthusiastically, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Stephen has a good plan!"

"Huh?" Hosuh sandwiched himself between his two friends, chuckling.

"We figured you'd forget so we are going to order a takeaway!" Dan said eagerly. Hosuh smiled.

"Guys, I can pay..." he stared but Stephen cut him off.

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now