Cooking is a Bad Idea (With Stephen)

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Hosuh jumped, twisting around with a yelp.

Stephen was in the doorway, grinning.

"Did I startle you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Hosuh stuck out his tongue.


"Is that right?"


"If you say so..." Stephen grinned, stepping into his room.

"What do you want?" Hosuh asked, amused as he watched his friend pace excitedly, like a child trying to hide mischief. Stephen didn't answer immediately, instead looking out of Hosuh's window.

"You know Dan isn't here right now, right?" His friend asked, eyes glinting. Hosuh made a noise of surprise.

"He's not?"

"No...he left." Stephen was now standing in front of him. "So I thought we could do something that he would never allow us to do!" He cried out, pulling Hosuh up with an arm. Hosuh stumbled, giving a short laugh.

"What would that be?" He asked, tying up just hair. Stephen just grinned evilly, tugging Hosuh out of the room.

"An adventure!" Hosuh whispered, letting Stephen lead him to the kitchen. The cupboards were all raided, their contents spilt over the countertops amongst the clutter of bowls and pans. A few knives were hiding in the sink, and a bag of sugar had already split, spilling grains across the floor.

"Stephen, what –"

"You'll be cooking!" Stephen shouted, jumping. Hosuh tilted his head; he didn't see what was so bad about him cooking – after all, he cleaned up after himself and Dan always enjoyed the meals he made. It wasn't until Stephen finished his sentence that he realised what exactly would trigger Dan.

"...with me!"

"With you?!" Hosuh laughed, raking a hand through loose strands of hair. He thought back to last time they had cooked together: the microwave (Stephen's idea) had exploded and flour covered the floor and themselves. It was also the reason why there was no door on the cupboard closest to the fridge.

"Yeah!" Stephen sprinted enthusiastically to the sink, pulling out some knives. "I thought we could make cakes!"

"Cakes? With that many knives?" Hosuh giggled, sweeping some sugar away with his foot. He looked at the bowls. "And you do realise most of these are pans, right?"

"Stephen knows all!" Stephen chanted, slapping a rolling pin on the countertop. "Let's get cooking!"

"Okay..." Hosuh laughed, grabbing the flour. He hummed, scanning the area. "Hey Stephen, is there a large

bowl here?" He asked, smiling as he gathered more ingredients. He heard Stephen grab something and slap it to his side; with a small jump he turned, finding a giant pan. He laughed as Stephen chanted "cooking time!" over and over again.

"Stephen! That is a pan!" He scolded. Stephen pushed in front of him, snatching the flour. Before he could react, Stephen poured the entire packet into the pan (luckily there was only half left), covering them in white powder. Hosuh screamed, coughing.

"Stephen NO!"

Stephen just cackled.

The powder cleared, and Hosuh sighed in amusement, staring down at the pan – it was halfway full with flour, and was coated in the stuff.

"Oh no!" Hosuh spluttered in between his laughter, trying his best to wipe the counter; however his efforts only made it worse, making him moan in despair.

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