Holidays in rewind

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-A poem to my family-

-Which I wrote in like 10 minutes-

What makes a holiday?

Are they the traditions?

The things you receive?

Or could it possibly be the atmosphere?

And the people within the atmosphere?

The home-like feel you receive when you are in the atmosphere with the right people


Do you remember it?

For me, personally, it was a blissfully innocent time

There were no worries

No strifes

You were growing

You were learning

You had not a thing to worry about


If your stuffed animals got along

If you could eat your favorite snacks

If you could play with your best friends every day

If you got presents on your birthday

And if they weren't clothes

If you were able to watch your favorite tv shows

If you got to get ice cream

If you got exactly what you wanted


In the end

Your favorite holiday was always Christmas

Over your birthday

Over any other holiday

You got toys

You got to play with your cousins

You got to see your faraway relatives


That's it!

It wasn't the presents

It wasn't the candy

It wasn't the stockings

You never fully recognized it

Not when you were little

It was the family you'd get to see

The millions of cousins

The millions of aunts and uncles

You were happy just seeing them

You enjoyed the vivid homey-comfort you'd receive from them being there

The taking turns while opening presents

When you were told to wait to open your presents so everyone could film each one of you opening your presents

You'd open it

It'd be

A stuffed animal

A cool new toy

A box of your favorite candy

A new dress-up costume

You were the center of attention

Everyone would be silently filming you

Taking pictures of you

They'd be waiting for your reaction


The joy wasn't the result of receiving the toy

It was them

The person you received it from

You hadn't realized it until now

But that's okay

Because you were a kid

You were still growing

You still didn't understand the world

It was new to you

But now

It's an old/new world

And you're okay with that

You can understand the important things

Like family

Who are you going to be with for the holidays?

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