All rubbish

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Is pouring all your energy into one thing a waste of time?

Do you even bother giving any more work into it if they don't?

If they're not reciprocating, does it even count?

All that work you put into them, all those texts

Did it mean anything to them?

What if there's something new though?

Well, new-old, it's been there the whole time this other thing has been there

It's gotten more attention, but not more overthinking

You feel free when this other thing comes up, but the burden of your last failed thing is still there

It's still tapping you on the shoulder, it's your shadow, reminding you it is still there 

That you won't forget it

Now that toxic thing gets all your attention, while that perfectly healthy one just sits there

You know you shouldn't be drawn to a toxic thing, but you are!! 

It's intoxicating your brain, it's burning you

You've been burned, but you haven't realized it! 

You haven't realized that poison reached your brain

You're still waiting for that toxic thing

It's too late

You're in too deep 

You're addicted and it's all your fault!

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