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Leia soon put Ben to bed and kissed him goodnight. Leia shut his door over as she winked at Han to get his presents out of their room. They put them under the tree checking that Ben was still asleep. "We did good princess." Han smirked She smiled back and nodded, "Yes we did Han."  They got back in bed and soon fell asleep.
The morning came as Ben ran into their room jumping on their bed trying to wake them. "Mommy! Daddy! It's Christmas wake up!" He exclaimed Han opened his eyes to his four year old son and ticketed him into the bed. Ben giggled and got on his father's back. "Let's wake up mommy nicely." He whispered
"Mommy wake up its Christmas." He whispered
"Princess wake up its Christmas." He kissed her forehead
She opened her eyes and got up soon after Han and Ben went into the living room. Ben ran and opened his Christmas presents as Han sat with him on the floor. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." Han gave Leia a present an kissed her cheek.
"Thank you." She kissed him back
Leia opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace she was speechless, "Oh Han it's beautiful. I love it!" She smiled.
"You're welcome princess." Han kissed her head.
"So Ben what did you get for Christmas?" Han asked
"Look a stuffed wookie, a mini blaster!" He yelled
Luke walked in the door and Ben immediately ran up and hugged him. "Uncle Luke! I missed you!" Ben exclaimed
"Hey Luke." Han and Leia gave him a hug.
"Hey Ben guess what I got a present for you." Luke smiled
Ben quickly opened it and smiled, "Wow cool! You got me a lightsaber?" He asked. Luke nodded
"Uncle Luke I want to be a Jedi when I get big just like you!" he exclaimed
Luke laughed and Han and Leia smiled.
They were together as a family. 

Merry Christmas an happy holidays you guys!!!

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