Happy Birthday Han

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Leia woke up and smiled today was Han's birthday and Luke,Chewie,and her all had a surprise party for him. "Good morning handsome." She smiled
He kissed her forehead, "Good morning princess." He smirked
"Happy Birthday." She giggled
Han smiled "Thanks sweetheart can you make me birthday breakfast?" Han gave his best puppy dog eyes.
She laughed and got up, "Sure Birthday boy. Pancakes?" She asked
He nodded as she went to the kitchen.
Leia heard the door open as chewie walked in she pointed towards the door.
"Hey Chewie!" Han exclaimed
"Yeah I'm coming but I need my birthday breakfast." He grumbled
"Thanks Leia!" He smiled
"You're very welcome,so what are you planning to do today?" She asked
"I don't know,probably go out with Chewie and then come back home to my favorite birthday gift ." He smirked and kissed her neck. He said goodbye as soon as the door shut she called Luke to plan their surprise.
"So did you get the decorations?" She asked
He nodded and laughed, "Yes I did and I got my gift what did you get him? I'm outside by the way."
"Do you have Lando?"
"Yes, he's landing right now but you didn't answer my.."
"This is his present."
"Leia he might actually faint when he sees this!"Luke laughed
"No I said that we should've gone right instead of left!" Han argued
He stepped in the house as everyone jumped up and yelled surprise.
"Happy birthday ya old pirate." Lando laughed
"Thanks Lando, hey kid how are ya!" He yelled
"Happy Birthday Han."
Han was happy seeing his friends but there was someone missing, Leia. He searched around the house nonchalantly for her until she cane out of their room with a small box in her hand as he smiled.
"There you are what have you been doing?" He asked
"Wrapping,here Happy Birthday flyboy."
Han opened the box finally sitting down in shock. There laid a pregnancy test and a little vest saying baby solo on the back.
He looked up and saw her smile. He got up and kissed her. "Best Birthday Ever."

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