I still love you

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Han finally got to spend his awkward five minutes with Leia since she was so busy with being GENERAL Leia. She sped up in front of him annoyed that he kept following her like a lost dog so she stopped and turned around, "What is it Han?" She asked annoyed.

Han stood there lost in his own mind thinking of the words he wanted to say but he couldn't think of them. Han's eyes met hers and he broke down hugging her and crying letting everything go. "I'm sorry Leia I'm sorry for hurting you, Ben,and just for me being stupid." He cried.

It's been a while since Han and Leia had both cried together or if Han had shown any emotion at all. Leia looked at him with tears brimming her eyes she knew that she had to put on a brave face for the resistance but she fell through she cried in his arms.

"I miss our son Han I can't stop thinking about everything there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him. " Leia cried

"I know I should've stayed I should've done something I mean I'm his father I should've listened to him I..."Han stammered as Leia kissed him it was a sweet but passionate kiss.
They gave each other sad looks and hugged a little longer not wanting to let go they missed this love and Ben. Han faced facts there is no way he's gone but Leia, Leia held out hope and still holding on to the fact that he's there the old Ben is in there somewhere.
They still loved him they still loved each other. Leia still loved Han and Han still loved Leia and that was it.

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