Chapter X - I trust you

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Y/n's POV

I ran around the corridors yelling for Mr. Andrews like a maniac, when I finally found him.

'Mr. Andrews, thank god! Do you know by any chance where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?!' I panted.

'What? You have to get to a boat right away!' He gasped.

'No! I'll do this with or without your help, sir. But without will take much longer.'

He sighed, 'Take the elevator to the very bottom, go left, down the crewman's passage, then make a right.'

'Bottom, left, right. Thank you!'

'Hurry, Y/n.'

I nodded and ran to the elevators.

'Sorry miss, lifts are closed--' Before the operator could finish, I shoved him into the elevator.

'I'm through with being polite, goddamnit!! I may never be polite the rest of my life! Now take me down!!' I shouted.

He fumbled to close the gate and start the elevator.

As I watched the floors pass, we finally reached the bottom and the floor is covered in ice water. Me and the operator both screamed in surprise, and I hopped out.

'I'm going back up!' The operator yelled.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way through the icy water. 'coward.'

'JACK! JACK?' I yelled as I hurried down the flooded corridors following Mr. Andrews directions.

I began to worry, when I finally heard a reply.


I jolted around, and ran to a door flinging it open.

'Jack oh my god! I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry!' I cried while making my way over to him hugging him tight.

'That guy Lovejoy put it in my pocket!'

'I know, I know!' I kissed him.

'See if you can find a key for these!' He gestured towards his handcuffs. 'It's a little silver one!'

I kissed him one last time before running over to giant glass case of keys.

'Their all brass!' I cried.

'Try the drawers in the desk,'

I nodded and began to search them.

'Wait, how did you find out I didn't do it?'

'I didn't,'  I looked at him. 'I just realized I already knew.'

We then shared a smile, before I continued to ransack the room.

'There's no key in here!' I cried.

'You'll have to go find help.'

I nodded. 'I'll be right back.'

'Be quick,' He gulped.

I splashed my way down the corridor and up some stairs.

'Helloo? Somebody help!' I yelled.

The lights were flickering on and off, which didn't make the matter any better. I then saw a steward run around a corner, then towards me grabbing onto my arm and pulling me away.

'Come on, then, let's get you topside, miss, that's right!' He looked and sounded crazy.

'Wait! Stop! I need your help! There's a man--'

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