Chapter III - A shooting star

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Y/n's POV

I walked into the dinner feeling excited to see Jack. As I walked in, I saw Jack at the bottom of the grand staircase copying the way other men at the party were standing.

I started to laugh before he noticed me and stood at the bottom of the staircase, staring at me with a smile. I walked down the staircase facing him, as he gently picked up my hand, kissing it.

'I saw that in a nickelodeon once, and I always wanted to do it.' He chuckled.

I laughed at that. He then gestured his arm out for me to wrap mine around his, which I did giggling. He stuck his chin up in the air, acting like a snobby rich man.

'You sort of look like William.' I whispered giggling, causing him to laugh as we walked towards my mother and Will.

I lightly tapped Will on the shoulder, rolling my eyes at Jack before Will turned around. 'Darling? Surely you remember Mr. Dawson,'

William smiled at me, then it slowly faded as he noticed Jack. 'Dawson? Well thats amazing! You could almost pass as a gentleman!' He gave him a fake smile.

Jack returned the fake smile. 'Almost,'

William and my mother then walked towards the grand dining hall, with me and Jack following not to far behind.

I gave Jack a reassuring smile, as he nodded and looked down.

Jack's POV

Y/n looked stunning as ever. Though, she was always stunning. Even on her worst days, I'd assume, considering i've only known her for a few days.

We walked into the grand dining hall, and stayed our distance from y/n's mother and fiancée.

'There's the countess of Rothes.' Y/n pointed to a woman who's dress reminded me of a dove, and her nose looked like a beak.

'And um, that right there is John Jacob Astor. Richest man on the ship.' She pointed to a tall man with a brown mustache. She looked at me raising her eyebrows, then back at the man. 'And his little wifey there Madeline is my age, and in delicate condition. See how she's trying to hide it?' I smirked at her. 'Quite the scandal.' She then faced another couple. 'And that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress,'

'Mistress?' I gave her a look, and she nodded smirking.

'Mrs. Guggenheim is at home with the children, obviously.'

She pointed to another lady and man. 'And over here we have Sir Cosmo & Lucy, lady duff-gordon. She designs naughty lingerie.' The woman noticed us and waved, as y/n waved back. 'Very popular with the Royals.' She added smiling, causing me to laugh.

We began to walk to our table, as Molly walked over to us.

'Care to escort a lady to dinner?' She smiled at me.

'Certainly,' I smiled, causing her and y/n to laugh.

'Sweetpea, hurry up!' Will called out to y/n.

She sighed and was about to leave, when I gripped her arm tighter, causing her to stay next to me. 'No, stay. We both know you don't want to go over there.' I said in a low-whispering voice, so Molly wouldn't hear.

'But Jack, I don't have a choice.' She looked down sighing.

'C'mon, just pretend you didn't hear him. Maybe he won't call you over again.' I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

'Ain't nothing to it, is there, Jack?' Molly smiled at me. 'Now remember, these people love money so just act like you own a gold mine, and you're in the club.'

'My Little Cherry' - Jack Dawson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now