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I walked out of the courtroom relieved, a small smile on my face as I shook my clients hand

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I walked out of the courtroom relieved, a small smile on my face as I shook my clients hand. He was charged with aggravated assault, but I managed to convince the jury that it was self defense, which it was.

The crazy bitch was going to kill me, he told me the first time we met. I wave to his family as he walks towards them, then I go on with my business.

My name is Camille Johnson, I'm 25, and I'm one of the best lawyers in my firm. It took so long to get to this point, but I'm glad I went through it. It shaped me as a person, and I wouldn't be where I was without it. I got my siblings out the hood, and I saved my uncle from being an addict for the rest of his life.

- 3:37 pm -


"Ms. Johnson, good work", one of the other lawyers at the firm said once I got back.

"Thank you, it was a... Special case to say the least", I chuckled, and so did he.

"Well, we have another case for you on your desk. Your client will be at the police station tomorrow for interrogation, and I suggest you be there", Mr. Kelly said, and I nod, but I was groaning on the inside.

Damn, can't ever catch a break in this bitch, I think to myself as I walk into my office.

"Good afternoon, Stacy. What's the rest of my day looking like?", I ask my assistant, and friend, Stacy Grate.

"Hey, Camille. Well, now that your back, you planned on going to the Chinese place down the street. Also, you told me to remind you about sending that check to your aunt and uncle. And then your free the rest of the day", she told me as she typed away on the computer.

"Thanks, Stac. Uhm, can you cancel that Chinese food? I have a new file to go over, so I don't wanna leave", I asked, and she nodded as she picked up the phone.

I go into my office and take my suit jacket off, placing it on the coat rack. I sit in the leather chair behind my desk as I picked up the manila folder, opening it up to read it.

"Homicide?! ", I gasp, and then I groan loudly.

What in the actual fuck are they smoking?, I ask myself as I slam the folder shut.

I kick off my beige red bottoms and stretch, walking around the office barefoot.

"They really gave me a homicide case. If this works out, this could be a huge boost for my career", I mumble, and then I roll my eyes.

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