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It wasn't only the way he made everything feel like home even though I had never truly experienced that feeling. It wasn't even his fascination with taking pictures of me in unaware moments. Not even our shared obsession of cherries and tying knots. It was how he looked at me; his eyes held so much emotions behind them, ones I could not begin to decipher. It was deep, boundless, and infinite. He was looking through me. And I was too afraid to know what he truly thought in those moments. He looked at me like I was holding his heart together. Sometimes, I'd like to imagine I was.

Other times, I didn't want the responsibility of holding his heart together. I hated knowing that at one point, he could crumble. His beating chest would stop and the knots in his stomach would suffocate him. I would break him. And there would be no.......us.

I never once thought he'd be the one to break my heart for his love was always beautiful and full. Raw and boundless. And how it bloomed in the darkness—it was the only thing I could see; distantly burning like a candle on the edge of the earth. It was strong and passionate. His love was real. Authentic. Nothing was ever out of place and everything he said was always truthful and undeniably curing to my aching soul.

The cherry knots we tied in the midst of summer would remain in every step I would take—for the remainder of my eternity. The feeling of squished, mushy fruit coated on the soles of our dirty feet would remind me of my happiest summer. The feeling of utter joy and blissful wonder we felt beneath the evening sun. I wouldn't forget those moments.

I refuse to.


AN; I am so excited to write this. It is going to be an emotional wreck, and very much exhausting with lots of details. Please bear with me. I like visuals and feelings. So I'm gonna try and make it as professional as I can. Thank you to everyone for reading and voting. I would also love to thank all my loyal readers whom have dealt with my deleting and writer block era's. I really want to make up for it with this story. I decided to compile certain things from previous books I haven't released into this one, so we'll see how that works.

Please bear with me, I haven't published in years.

I hope you enjoy cherry :)

Started: December 13th, 2019
Finished: ongoing.

Disclaimer; This is fiction. Any names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the author's/my ideas and imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Some parts of this story may contain mature/graphic scenes and cruel language; and so you can decide for yourself whether or not it fits your comfort zone. 

Thank you so much for reading!   


Cherry; Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now