(1) Chapter 12: Surgery

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Haruka Nanase

My palms are sweaty, I feel nervous. This morning the doctors told me that I was going to need a surgery to remove some scattered fragments of my spine.

Everyone was here when the doctors told me. I didn't want the surgery at first, I could never afford it anyway. But they told me the surgery was already paid, I almost had to go. It must've been one of my friends – or maybe even all of them – who paid it. I can't say no now.

Now I'm laying on a surgery table. A bright light shines into my eyes as doctors prepare everything for my surgery.

I turn my head away from the light and take a look at the medical instruments on the table next to me. There are many sharp objects, some paper, gloves, little buckets and some other things I don't recognize.

I'm scared.

My heart beats even faster than it does during swimming a tournament. I don't think I've ever been this nervous for anything.

"Are you ready?" A doctor dressed in blue appears in the corner of my eye. He's holding some kind of mask in his hand.

I want to shake my head, but I shrug instead. I don't want them to know that I'm nervous. If I let it show they might tell my friends, I don't want them to think that I'm this nervous for a surgery.

"Okay, we're going to bring you under anesthesia," he says and he holds up the gasmask. "All you have to do is count to ten out loud, you understand."

I shrug again.

The doctor smiles and puts the gasmask over my mouth. "You can start counting, slowly."

"One, two, three." Nothing happens. What if this doesn't work and I'll be awake during the surgery?

"Four, five, six, seven." My vision starts to get really blurry. Everything's moving really slowly and my eyelids feel heavy.

"Eight, nine." My eyes slowly close, I can't keep them open any longer. I hear voices talking really far away.

What if I don't wake up anymore? Or what if something goes terribly wrong?

I can't go back now...


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