(1) - Chapter 2: Haruka

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Makoto Tachibana

This was the last thing I expected.

Yes, I expected that Haruka might be nervous, or something.

But this isn't the same by far.

This morning I got woken up by a phone call from the hospital; Haruka had a car accident... A few hours before the Regionals.

We already had to get up early, but because I saw the voicemail after I woke up, we couldn't all go to the hospital before the tournament. So Gou and coach Sasabe went, while Rei, Nagisa and I need to swim the Regionals.

I try to keep my hands from shaking while I watch Rin's team passing me by. Rin doesn't know about what happened to Haruka yet.

I look at Nagisa and Rei, who are both sadly staring at the floor. I stare at my bare feet as well and sigh. I can't help but feel bad for being here instead of with Haruka at the hospital.

"Good luck out there." I look up when I hear Rin's voice. "Wait... where's Haru?"

I glance away and say, "About that." How am I going to tell him this? Rin probably really looked forward to swimming against him. "Haruka... He was hit by a car yesterday evening. He won't be competing today."

Rin frowns at me and laughs nervously. "This is a joke, right?"

I sadly shake my head. "No, unfortunately it isn't."

"What about Freestyle?" he asks. "And the relay?"

I look at Nagisa and Rei, who've also realized that we cannot swim those. "We won't be competing in those."

Rin angrily stares at his feet and clenches his fists. "Is he okay?"

I shrug. "We haven't been able to go to the hospital yet."

"Don't worry. Knowing Haru, he's fine." Rin looks at me and I see that that's a lie.

Rin gets called over by one of his teammates and he mumbles that he has to go.

"Rin?" Nagisa asks before Rin leaves, his voice soft and quiet. "You are coming to the hospital with us, after the tournament? Aren't you?"

I look at Nagisa. His eyes are red from crying. I think neither one of us is going to swim great today.

I look back at Rin, he nods once. "Of course." Then he leaves, running to his team and acting like nothing's going on. 

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