Chapter Thirty

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The next morning at lunch, Daniel had some interesting news for us. The group of us huddled around our table, sitting closer than usual. That was because everyone was here today: Ivelyn, Troy, Erik, Kate, Mir, Daniel, and myself. I'm sure Sage and Jack would be here if they could. Although, considering they're eighteen and nineteen, maybe not.

"I know who the guy is that Sage smelled," Daniel leaned forward, trying to keep his voice down. I found myself doing the same, intrigued to find who it was that had been creeping around my house at night. Last night, Mir came over which meant I had to cancel my plans with Jamie. We went to dinner and then the mall, spending most of the day away from my house. When we finally got home it was so late, Mir decided to spend the night. I'll be the first to admit, it made me feel safer knowing another Witch was there.

"Well, spit it out! Who the Hell was it?" Ivelyn's patience was quick to run out. No one was surprised.

Daniel wet his lips, cleared his throat and said a single name.

"Claudius," I wracked my brain of that name. Had I heard that name before? Did I know a Claudius? Who was Claudius and why was he drinking dead people's blood and why was he around my house? My mind had no answers.

"Who?" Mir asked raising an eyebrow. Everyone was in a state of confusion.

"Claudius Hathway," Daniel told us. The name Hathway triggered something inside of me. I knew that name. Where did I know that name from? My brain spun, trying to locate the memory. Wait! Rose's last name was Hathway, from my vision of when I was Elizabeth Locke.

"Wait, is that--

"Rose Hathway's one and only child: Claudius Hathway." I actually gasped when Daniel filled us in. What was Rose Hathway's son doing in Salem? I knew Rose had died in 1850 the same night that Dalia, Samuel, and Elizabeth Locke had died. That was the last time anyone tried to break the Curse. Was this just a coincidence?

It was hard to believe in coincidences when you live here.

"I had been searching for Claudius when I was trying to find more Cursed Ones on our side, but the last anyone had heard from him was over sixty years ago. I realize now that he's survived so long without anyone else knowing because he's been drinking dead blood. It's something that Cursed Ones born after Samuel Locke tried to break the Curse, haven't been able to do." That made sense why we didn't think he was a Cursed One.

"So, is he on our side?" Troy asked as he tilted his head the side.

"No," Erik said at the same time Daniel said:

"Yes," then they stared at each other.

"Guys," I warned, knowing a fight was going to break out.

"Of course, he's on our side. He's living at my house now," Daniel furrowed his brows in Erik's direction.

"How can you say that? His mom tried to kill Cornelia! Also, you said no one has seen or heard from him in over sixty years, so how can we trust him?" Erik pressed on, challenging Daniel once again. I sighed, rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair. Sometimes, it was better to let them duke it out and try and move on.

Although, I will admit Erik had some good points. We didn't know anything about this Claudius person. Daniel hadn't explained why Claudius' scent was found around my house. At least, I hadn't been attacked. My mom didn't even know someone had been out there, which was both alarming and comforting.

"First, just because his mom tried to do that doesn't mean he's like that. He was eight when Rose was murdered." Daniel must have already befriended Claude, the way he was defending him. I agreed with Daniel on that point. Just because someone you were related to was bad, doesn't mean you are or that you will be. "And sure, I don't know if I can trust him, but I'm giving him a chance. He's willing to fight alongside us and I think that's more important than writing him off because of who his mom was." Daniel's chest puffed out as he announced this to Erik.

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